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Author's Note: There will be non-verbal communication in this chapter. The symbol for these parts is ^ ^.

Chapter Four


Kara's POV

A calm came over me. I knew that it had to be done. If I did it too nicely, Chris would just think there was hope for us. As crazy as it sounds my feelings for Michael eclipsed anything I have ever felt for Chris in the two years we were together.

"So what now?" I asked Michael.



"We should probably go talk to your parents I'm sure they are dying to know what is going on. Afterward I'd like for you to meet my parents."

"Ok." We headed downstairs. On the way down Michael grabbed my hand, and squeezed it gently. I could tell that he was trying to comfort me. I needed it. I was nervous to hear what my parents had to say, but more than that I was nervous about meeting Michael's parents. I didn't know if they would like me.

^They'll love you.^ I nearly jumped out of my skin upon hearing Michael respond to my thought. Before I could ask him how that was possible we had made it to the living room, and my parents were there waiting. They weren't alone either, there was another couple around their age sitting with them as well. ^I know you are curious about how I can do this. I'll explain everything when we are alone. By the way that is my mom and dad sitting with your parents.^ I figured as much, but to have it confirmed made my nerves go into overdrive. As we walked into the room Michael led me over to his parents who stood as we approached. "Mom, Dad this is my mate Kara Redboone. Kara these are my parents David and Rachel Blakes."

I extended my hand to shake Mr. Blakes hand first, but he ignored my hand, and engulfed me in a bear hug. "Welcome to our family and this pack Kara." He whispered in my ear. Once he released me Mrs. Blakes also hugged me and welcomed me to the family. We then sat down across from our parents on a small loveseat. "So will you be moving in to Michael's place?" Mrs. Blakes asked me. "Well I hadn't really thought about it." "Yes." Michael and I answered at the same time. We immediately turned and looked at each other. ^You are moving in. It is only nature.^ "Will you stop doing that!"

"He must be putting messages into your head. Honey you can do the same thing to him. Once a wolf mates, they can speak to their mate that way. Just think something to him and he'll hear it."

I decided to have some fun with Michael.^You look so sexy in those jeans. I can't wait to see what you look like without them.^ The look on his face was priceless. He looked as if he was about to take me then and there. I soon realized my mistake when he dragged me out of the room telling our parents we'd be back. He took me into the first empty room he could find which happened to be the kitchen. Pushing me against the refrigerator he mouth was immediately on mine. I realized that his wolf had taken over, and if I didn't want my first time to be in the kitchen of my parents house with both sets of parents in the next room I needed to calm him down immediately.

The thing is that I was enjoying myself too much to put any real effort into stopping Michael. His lips could make me forget my own name. "What are they doing?" We literally spring apart upon hearing voices invading our private moment. "They are kissing," Zion answers Dion's question. "But why?" ask Rion. "Because when a boy and a girl like each other they kiss." Was Zion's response. Who would believe that these were two and a half year old children having this conversation. "Well you like me, but you don't kiss me." said Rion. "Yeah only mommy and daddy can kiss." Zion released a long suffering sigh, "when you find your mate you kiss and hug a lot." Then in a almost a whisper she mumbles, "Boys" in a very exasperated tone. I couldn't hold in my laughter any longer. And apparently neither can Michael. We laughed so hard we had tears coming down our faces. "Zion where did you learn so much from?" Michael asked her. "I'm a girl." "And" "Girls always know more than boys, duh." ^How old is she again?^ Michael ask me in my mind. ^Almost three. The triplets will be three in a month and a half.^ "Mom and dad sent us to get you. They said they are still waiting for you in the living room." this message came from Rion. I can't believe that my two year old siblings had to walk in to stop me from having sex with my mate in the kitchen of my parents' home.

"Thanks. Tell them we'll be right there." Michael said.

Once they had left the room, Michael pressed my back up against the refrigerator once again. He put his hands flat on the refrigerator on either side of my head. "We will finish where we left off very, very soon." With that he gave me one last hungry kiss before releasing me. Grabbing my left hand he led me back into the living room to finish talking to our parents.

Sasha's POV

"Do you want me to scare her, seduce her, or permanently get rid of her?"

"I don't care how you do it. I just want that bitch gone. I have put in way too much time and effort to let this bitch get Michael."

"Sash, you do realize that once a were is mated they will always love their mate above all else."

"I don't give a damn about his love! He can not become Alpha without an Alpha female at his side. I will be there once you get rid of that bitch. I will be the likely choice once that little bitch is out of the way. It has always been my goal to be an Alpha's mate."

"Whatever you want. Just remember what you promised me once you are Alpha female."

"Oh don't worry I am I woman of my word." Sike. What an idiot. Once that bitch is out of the way, and I have Michael I will get rid of any and everyone that can implicate me in that bitches disappearance. If only this pack knew who I really was, or what I have in store for them. I will get the guy I want, the position I want , and the revenge I have been seeking. Don't get me wrong. I actually love Michael, but I have also been using him. He is the key to my happiness, and to all of my plans.

"Sash, Sash.................Hello earth to Sasha.." Oh I must have zoned out thinking how close I am to my ultimate goal.

"Oh sorry. I was just thinking about some things."

We discussed strategy a little longer I sent my 'special friend' on their way.

Now that I have that out of that way I think I'll turn in early. Tomorrow will be a very big day.

Unknown POV

This bitch must think I am stupid I have known Sasha her whole life. I know what she is capable of. I also know not to trust her.

"Sash, Sash.................Hello earth to Sasha.."

"Oh sorry. I was just thinking about some things." I'll just bet. She probably thinks that she will get rid of me once she gets what she wants. If only she knew. This is much bigger than she knows. Ha ha ha, I can't wait until all is revealed.

Once I left the little tart's house I called me contact.


"It has begun."


"Is working with that crazy bitch Sasha really necessary?"

" Remember that though Sasha is a pain in the ass she is also very useful for the time being. We must move swiftly if this is to work."

"Agreed. I will contact you again when I have something to report."



So what do you think? Who do you think the unknown person is? Do you think they are good or bad? What do you think about Kara and Michael's relationship so far?

Please comment and vote.

I can not wait until this assignment is complete. So much is riding on this being a success.

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