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Author's Note: Hi everyone I just wanted to remind you that there is non-verbal communication. The symbol for these parts is ^ ^ and **.

Chapter Eight


Unknown Person POV

That chick Sasha is really starting to annoying me. I know that we need her, but she is trying my patience big time. She is the most annoying person I have ever had the displeasure of meeting. I have to deal with her until this assignment is done though.

Once I left the school after my last class I got in my car and called my contact.


"I've made contact."

Then I flipped the phone close and pulled out of the parking lot.



Unknown Person POV

I had made contact with Kara, but now I had to get her to trust me in order for the plan to work. I needed Sasha to trust me as well, until I did not need her anymore. Then maybe I could dispose of her.

Kara POV

I spent the rest of the afternoon with Rachel and David. We talked and really got to know more about if other. Michael left at about 3:30 to head off to basketball practice.

When he made it back to his parents' house at 7:00 Rachel and I had dinner ready. We headed home at about 9:00.

"So what did you need to talk to your father about earlier?" I had been dying to find out since he first walked into his father's office. However I found out from Rachel that the office was sound proof. She said because so many werewolves frequent their home, it was sound proof for privacy (us weres have enhance hearing abilities).

"We discussed Sasha's punishment."

Oh not that witch again I thought. I want a Sasha free day or once. She keeps popping back up into our happy existence. Besides honestly I could handle her on my own.

"Michael I told you to let it go. It was no big deal."

"I can't let it go! She touched you! She put her filthy paws on you! She disrespected you! She will pay! She will pay very dearly!"

I knew I needed to calm him down. He was extremely upset. I had never seen him like this. To be honest he was scaring me.

"Baby I can handle anything that Sasha throws at me. I don't want to cause problems within the pack when I just got here."

"Babe you won't cause any problems. I promise you that no one will blame you for this situation. You have done nothing wrong."

Knowing that my protest were falling on deaf ears I decided to change the subject to a safer topic.

"Hi lets work on our homework. We do have school in the morning after all."

"Nice subject change."

I bowed. "Thank you, thank very much." I said in a horrible Elvis impersonation.

Michael just laughed at me.

We went into the study and pulled out our homework.

We had to read the next two chapters of Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston. We are at the part where Janie husband Jody (Joe) Starks dies and she first meets Tea Cake. He have to write a short summary of what we read.

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