Cliche #89

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The bad guy is not actually bad just misunderstood.

Example: There he was. Weak. Useless. I could have killed him then and there. But I realize. He was rich. He must have felt alone and blah blah blah.

Why This Is Annoying: This is a movie cliche and stuff. Cant we just have a villain who is Bad TO THE BONE DO DO DO DO BADDD TO THE BONE DODODODO.

How To Fix This: I mean there ARE some characters who are indeed "Bad to the bone". Like the Joker for example. But I barely ever see it in movies and books and they always have a problem with themselves that make them do it. Money, Fame, Revenge, Been told to do so, etc. I want someone to just kill because they want to. No reason whatsoever. We need more characters like that.

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