Antonio Giovanazzi : Dress up babe.

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You were a friend of Pascal Wehrlein and he had invited you to the party Sauber was holding tonight

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You were a friend of Pascal Wehrlein and he had invited you to the party Sauber was holding tonight. At first your didn't want to go, but he insisted on you going and you give in. When you arrive at the luxurious hotel you sent him a message.

"I'm outside of the hotel! Where are u?"

"Hey! Y/N, Come in, I'm chatting with a friend."

You looked at the text a couple of times again, debating if you should go in or not. Ten minutes passed and you decided that it was better to go back home you have anything to do in here, in a complete different place from what you are used to go and with people who was far away from your world.

"Y/N!" You heard someone calling your name and you curse, knowing that it was Pascal who suddenly had decided to play the good friend and go out, looking for you, since you didn't show up inside.

"Hey Pascal" You tried to smile and calm the screams in your head that were telling you to go away and go back home.

"Are you going inside or what girl?"

"I was thinking that it is better for me to go home, since it is very late and I have to take the train to go home"

"Oh don't be silly girl, I will take you home, don't worry! Now lets go inside, it's freezing outside" He passed his arm over your shoulders and lead the way in.

You two enter to a beautiful, big room decorated for the celebration. There wasn't too much people in it, but still there were too much people for your taste.

"Hey Pascal! Come here!" someone call him and you lokked suddenly afraid.

"Hey Y/N I have to go for a few minutes, will you be fine on your own?"

"Go. I will get myself a drink"You smiled at him and started your way towards the bar.When you arrive, you order a dry Martini with three olives in it.

While wainting, you looked at your tattoo "36" your never knew why... but that number had always interested you, you felt attraction to it and it was impossible to try to understand why.

The barman was taking his time to prepare you drink so you started getting bored and decided to look to your right side, and that is when you saw him. A beautiful man with brown hair and bright green eyes. He tooked your breath away when he looked up and down to your body and then smiled at you.

You felt your cheeks getting rosy since you have choosen a beautiful silk dress which ended half down your legs. When you saw it at the store, you thought it was too much but sill you liked it, it was nothing classy and had that touch of sensuality you always like to show. So you buy it, but know you were feeling the most uggly girl in all the world.

The barman handed you the Martin, you paid for it and started puring it down your throat

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The barman handed you the Martin, you paid for it and started puring it down your throat

"Thirsty?" You frozen when you heard him talked.

"Kind of bored actually, my friend went to talk to someone and leave me here alone"

"That is very bad. Who's your friend?" he asked sitting next to you.

"Pascal Wherlein"

"Oh yes! I know him, I will be replacing him for a few races this year, since he got injured" You only smile and you couldn't believe that the guy with cute eyes was talking to you. Although you were beautiful, you didn't feel like that all the time, especially when it comes to men.

"Nice dress" he suddenly said looking you in the eyes. You smiled and cross your legs, and he seemed to notice."I'm Antonio Giovanazzi, by the way".

"Y/N". you told him while ordering another Martini.

"You are beautiful N/Y".He said and put his hand on your right leg."Tell me something girl, do you believe in love at first sight? Because I don't or at least I didn't believe in it, until I saw you." You melted at his words and bite your lower lip, knowing that you had fallen in love with him as well and finally understanding why your tattoo attracted you that much, it was Antonio's car number, that's when you noticed you too were meant to be together.

Thank you for the request! Hope you like it Lukeyyyxx ☺😊
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