Sebastian Vettel: You?!

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This one is for VettelFerrari
Thanks for suggesting it!! Hope you like it!! :)

You were having a photo shoot today, well actually not you, someone else who you didn't know.
You were a make up artist and today you were going to walk to the place were the session was held, since it wasn't far away from your home. It was a sunny day so that make you feel better despite of your worries about your studies and the deadline for paying the rent.

In ten minutes you arrive at your destination, feeling suddenly better because your were going to do what you loved the most. You enter in the building and go directly to the room your were suppose to use to make up this celebrity, because you assume it was a celebrity.
Oh you didn't know how wrong you were...

You started getting the things you needed prepared, when you heard a knock in the door.

"Come in" you said still dancing at rhytm of the remix of Shape of you.

"Hi" someone said happily and when you turned around, you frozen at your sight.


"Sebastian Vettel!?" you answered for him in disbelief.

"Yeah, that's me. What's your name? " he said.

"Y/N" you said while shaking his hand.

" You seem quite surprise". he said while sitting in the chair.

"Yeah, because nobody told me I was going to meet you, well to make up you actually. Sorry fan's nerves" you smiled trying to apologize.

"Don't worry, we can make a picture and I can sing you an autoghrap later, if you still want of course" he said smiling widely. He was very kind and funny and you were very surprised about that.

"Of course" you reply while looking for the bb creme and starting to apply it in Sebastian's face

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"Of course" you reply while looking for the bb creme and starting to apply it in Sebastian's face."I loved your last race"

"Yeah it was a bit rough but I enojoyed very much, but lets talk about something else that is not cars, just for today, please"

"Oh okay, what do you want to talk about?" you asked looking for some eyeline which could match with the color of his eyes.


"Me? I'm not that interesting, I'm afraid".

"Oh I'm sure you are. C'mon tell me something about you".

"Fine, I have been doing this for couple of years now while I study at university"

"What are you studying?"

"Mechanic engineering"

"Wow, that's new, not many women do that these days"

"Well I owned it to my father.He used to take me to every race since I was five and well I fell in love with it" Seb smiled and closed his eyes until you were done aplying some mascara and the you started styling his blond eyebrows.

"That's amazing, you are still going to races?"

"No" you said looking away from his face.


"My father died two years ago and I have stopped going since then"

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you feel sad"

"It's okay. The thing is that I really missed it and I don't have any brother, cousin, nephew or friend to go with".

"You know I could get you some tickets and you could stay in the pit box of Ferrari" he said trying to make it up to you, while appreciating your beauty.

"I'd really love that". you finished aplying a nude lipstick to his lips and smiled satisfied with your job.

"Okay it's ready" you handed him a mirror so he could see it for himself.

Then you took the pic together and he signed one of the photos that he always takes with him to public places in case he come across with a fan.

"Turned it to the other side " he said and when you do it you smiled.

"Are you doing something after the photo shoot?"

"No, I'm done here so I was planning to walk back home"

"Why don't yoou stay and we go and grab a drink? If your boyfriend is okay with it" He said looking at the gold ring on your finger.

"This?" You looked at the ring.
"Oh no this was my father's engagement ring. I don't have a boyfriend actually"

"That's excellent" he smiled and tried not to kiss you.

"So yes I could use a coffee" you smiled and waited for him to do the photos.

The two of you went to a coffee shop near the place were the photos were taken and stayed there talking and laughing.

When he said he had to leave, you felt you heart ache, but you knew this wasn't the last time you were going to see him.

He parked in front of your house and smiled at you. You got out of the car and he rolled the window down.

"I'll send you the tickets by mail"


"See you in Monaco then?" He asked holding your hand.

"Sounds perfect". You smiled and started walking to your house.

You turned around and wave at Sebastian. He started the engine and go away, you smiled and looked down at the photograph he gave you.

In it, there were a serie of numbers and name writed down, Sebastian.

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