Lewis Hamilton: You tear us apart (Part 2).

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When Lewis arrived home he sensed that something was out of place, but he didn't know what. He went to his bedroom hoping to find Lis there but instead he find something else...

As he looked down he felt his heart ache. He took the letter in his hands, and started reading it quickly.

"No, no no no" he said desperately taking his phone and calling Lis. He got her voicemail.
"Babe, please I know I haven't been the best boyfriend, but please comeback home. We can talk about it.Please. I love you."

Lis, on the other hand was trying to stop throwing up since the food from the previuos night had made her feel sick. But she knew it was't just that, it was the pregnancy as well.

When she finally was able to stop, she got up from the floor and went to her bed, grabbing her phone in the process.

She listened to voicemail and taped a quick text.

"I'm sorry Lew, I'm not feeling well right now, let's just leave it like that for now. I need a break".

"What happen? Did the food make you feel sick? Okay, I'll wait. I love you."
She wandered how he knew about the food but she decided it was better no ti think about it right now.

Instead, she started crying even more...
Monaco race, was in a few days and she had promissed him she will go, but at this very moment she didn't know if she would be able to make it.

Two days passed and there was no sing of him, she was feeling better now, but she still wasn't unsure about the race matter. Her phoned started to ring and the screen lightened up with his photo.

"Hey Lis" he said trying to figure out what to say." How you been?"

"Hi, I'm better know."

"I'm glad to hear that, listen I know we haven't talk yet but I wanted to know if you are comming over, to the race this weekend..." He asked hoping she would say yes.

"Look, I've been sick lately and I still have to go to the doctor" she lied." So maybe another time?"

"Oh, okay.I understand it. Get well soon." He sounded disapointed and his voice sounded rare, as if he was crying.

"Yeah, thank you. Good luck in the race." she said and ended the call. Both of them feeling terrible.

It was in that moment that Lis knew she had to do it.

"I need you to do me a favor" She texted Nico.

"Of course, what is it? He immediately answered.

It was Sunday and Vivian, Nico's wife was helping her to enter Mercedes pit box through the back of the complex.

"Thank you Viv, really"

"Don't worry Lis. Besides nobody should be alone in this phase of her life" she said looking at your belly.

"Is that obvious?" she asked her while she was looking the Rosberg's little daughter and smiling at how cute she was with that pink dress.

"Not that much. Finally Alaïa will have someone who play with" she said smiling and stopping in front of a door.

"Yeah, assuming..." she was afraid that he will push them away.

"Assuming nothing. Now, get in there and wait. Nico told me he will be here in a few minutes".

Lis entered in Lewis room and sat in the couch while waiting for him to show up.

"Nico?" he said opening the door."You?" He asked in confusion." You aren't Nico" he said trying to joke.

"I'm afraid not" she gave him a little smile. "So, I know I shouldn't be doing this right now... but I couldn't wait longer"

"Me neither I needed to talk to you love" he said sitting next to her."The days were horrible without you".

"I know and I'm sorry, but I needed to think how to tell you this without you getting mad and leaving me alone".

"What does suppose to mean? You are sick or something? What is it baby, you are worrying me." he said taking her hand in his and looking at her body as if trying to find an answer.

She take out the pregnancy test and showed to him. Lewis eyes went wide as he looked at it.

"I figured out the day you went to dinner with Lucy. I dind't know how to react or to tell you... since you told me that you didn't want kids or to get married..." She tried to keep talking but she frozen when shel felt Lewis face against her stomach.

"A little Ham?" he asked while looking at her with bright eyes.
"Oh God I'm such and idiot, baby I love you. The two of you. I know what I said but it was a while ago...and I have been thinking about it lately." He said looking at her eyes.

"So you are not mad?" she asked feeling her eyes full of tears.

"Of course not... I have been thinking a lot since Nico called me and told me you weren't feeling well. He also said I was beeing a stubborn idiot and he was right. I'm so sorry love." He kissed and huge her as if it was the last day of his life.
"Listen I have to go in for qualifying now, but we will go through this together. I promise" He said kissing her forehead."I love you both. A lot".

"We love you too" she said huging him and walking outside the room hand in hand with the driver.

In the way to the pit Lewis gave a smiled to Vivian and Nico as thanking them for the help.

"Okay I will see you in an hour right?"He said kissing Lis again and sliding his palm over his belly."Okay little Ham, daddy has to go into the car and race now, take care of your mummy okay?" Lis smiled and kiss him back.

"I promise you as soon as he has the appropiate age I'll teach him how to drive and to race". He said in her ear.

"And if it is a she?"

"We'll see how we manage it then. Together." He said enphasizing and smilling one last time, before walking to his car.

Okay! I know it has been a few days since part 1, but I was busy with university stuff and all so today I took a break and write this!

Hope you like it :)

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