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I'm so nervous about competing in the jackpot roping competition. It starts in an hour and Jess is trying to calm me down. All these people are probably more experienced than I am. On a good note, Jess got first in bull riding 2 days ago. I'm so proud of him. He won a lot of money and a shiny belt buckle.

Soon, it's time for the roping to start. I rope 3rd in my division. I watch the two ladies that are ahead of me and they both do really well. Then, it's my turn. I ride into the box and position myself. I twirl my rope around a bit and look straight ahead before slightly nodding my head. The calf is released right as I shoot out of the box with my horse, Taz. I quickly rope the calf and jump off of Taz. I flipped the calf and tie his legs quickly before getting back on my horse. The calf doesn't come loose. I smile as the helpers untie the calf and give me my rope. As I exit the arena, I look up at my time. 5.3 seconds. I'm second in my category. I cool down Taz before going to find Jess.
"That was a good run, Kenz." He said and kissed my cheek.
"Thanks sweetie." I say and smile.

We wait around until the last person out of the group goes. Then, they call us all into the arena to announce winners and hand out prizes. I ended up with 2nd place. I got a halter, belt buckle, and $100. Jess was super proud of me.

We load Taz up in the trailer and head to the house. I give Taz a treat as I put him in his stall. Jess comes up and hugs me from behind.
"You did an amazing job, baby." He congratulated.
"Thanks sweetie." I say and smile.

I'm glad that I have Jess. He's a good support system.

We go inside and change into our bathing suits, so we could chill in the hot tub for bit. The warm water feels really good on my muscles and Jess also massages my shoulders and back.
We hang out in the hot tub for a bit before going inside and changing into pajamas. We lay on the couch and watch a movie while mom cooks supper. Mom cooks lasagna and it tastes really good. I love being back home, but I also love traveling.

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