Chapter 14-Easy Questions, Hard Answers

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Chapter 14: Easy Questions, Hard Answers

I had now gained his trust. Now, I wondered if he could give me answers and lead me to the source. 

“First, this all started through dreams. It usually starts with a dream that has already occcured. I will get into more detail in a sec.” He told me. I wasn’t confused, but at the same time, I didn’t get most of it. 

“What do you mean? Explain everything. At least everything you can.” I replied.

“Okay, listen close. I will start from the beggining. It al started when my brother, you all know him I assume. Anyways, he go interested in inventing things. Usually, his creations didn’t work. But that was until he was about twenty seven. He had been studying people’s mind and brain functions. One of his favorites was the dreamstate. This is when a person falls under a deep sleep and has a visual memory, storyline, or tale told through a moving picture in their sleep. The only trick is, the mind can never remember the whole dream, so usually the beggining is cut off. My brother wanted to solve that. I thought it was logically impossible, which he later found out was indeed impossible. So then, he had ended up with a totally different idea. Extrication.”

“Okay, so whats extrication?” Abby asked. 

“Extrication is the act of taking or “extricating” someones memory or dream from them, then making it a reality.” I looked at him. Extrication. A word I would never forget. This whole time, it was a dream. But then, I had realized something. 

“Okay, sounds fascinating, but, back to me. I had never even had this dream before. How did everyone dissapear?” I asked.

“Thats what I will get to next. Now, the extricator is actually a small device. It chooses the most powerful dream in an area and will extricate that dream. Since we live in Klamath Falls, where you live, that device must have picked up your dreams and you two’s also. The extricator can pick up to four dreams at a time. In rare occaisons, it can pick up multiple ones in a single extrication. Now, in your case, it seems he has been able to put his own dreams into the machine. You appeard because of something else.” He tells us all.

“I think I might have had the dream of the beach rescue.” I tell him.

“Then he somehow brought everyone back, again, probably using his own dreams.” He replies back.

“But, if we were there, then what did we dream?” Abby asks confused.

Hannah spoke, “I know exactly what I had dreamed about. The airplane. And I can bet anything Aaron had dreamed the storm.” 

“Now that I think of it, the whole island was my dream.” Abby added.

“But, the newscaster said it was some military base. Back in the forties or something.” I added in. 

“A dream is sometimes so powerful, before you know it you have changed “history.”  the man said.

“Well, now that explains all those difficulties. Continue with your story.” I said.

“Okay, so after the mind’s dream has been “freed”, the dream is sent to the small device and the magic begins. I have no idea how everything works, but then the dreams become a reality before you know it. Now, what I said earlier with the multiple dreams, usually they take time to be effected. So, now the story of the dissapearence. When everyone dissapeared, I wasn’t truly frightened. I knew a day like this could come. I immeadiatley started looking for him, but had no luck. Thats when I had traveled downtown, to search. I had seen a small girl, you!” He pointed a finger at Hannah. “You were in a shop. I thought it was quite possible you were working for my brother. I held you captive, and took your other friend captive. Thats when you shot me. You had barely hit me, just skinning the side of my knee. You guys ran when I told you to. Why? Cause of you, Jack. My brother had seen you before. So have I, and I let you go. You had to stop the other two. My other brother didn’t really have anything to do with any of this.” He finished.

“I still have one question. This voice. Some voice inside my head. It kept telling me to do stuff. I never a single dream or vision of any of those days. Just this voice.” I told him calmly. 

“Your conscience. It was guiding you, telling you where to go, who to find and what to do. Our minds are wooden log. Intact, the mind, or “log” can do anything it wishes. But sawed into two, the brain is as useless as the logs would be, and would be open for everything bad to come in. The mind is sawed during your dreamstate, in simpler terms, it is at its weakest point.” He explained. 

I didn’t think my mind could be that powerful.” I said. 

I began to realize this was all a mind game. Everything started as a dream, then turned to a grim reality. The mystery had been solved, but still not completed. This device, could gain dreams of incredible destruction. The world could end, unless the dream had a happy ending. 

“We need that device destroyed.” Hannah yelled.

“Yes, with the power of certain dreams, the world could be destroyed. I know where he is and how we can destroy that mechanism.” He told us.

I had become very confused. All of this started out as a dream, or vision, my vision. Then it turned into basically a huge science lesson on dreams! It just seemed unreal. I was being manipulated into thinking It was real. But it was real. See what I mean? Confusing.

“So, we went from being the last living, breathing people on earth, to finding out how to destroy some magical device?” I said with a confused tone.

“Lets just head back towards Klamath Falls, were this all started. I will answer any questions on the way there. Once the device and my brother are destroyed, you are freeto live your lives as you wish to live them. Deal?” He asks. I knew this was risky and all, but I needed to make sure that this would never happen again. I decided to take the offer. Whatever to stop him, and these dreams.

“Okay. Deal.” I tell him.

“Nick.” He says. He holds out his hand for a handshake.

“Jack” I say, shaking his hand. I knew he already knew that, but I said it anyways,

“Hannah” Hannah tells him.

“ And I am Abby.” 

“Great! Now we all know each other. Now, c’mon, there is no time to waste!” Nick tells us. 

I he ran around back, sitting in the passenger seat. He buckled his seat-belt and he was finally ready to go. I sat back, got comfortable and started to drive to my hometown, Klamath Falls.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2012 ⏰

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