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*The Ballad Of Ron & Hermione-Riddle TM*
Setting: January 1, 2006; Forbidden Forest-Jemima's pov...

     Firenze allows us to ride on his back like he did for my brother and I years ago-the 'tree house' definitely wasn't what I had expected it be. Despite having gone into the forbidden forest with the Corsairs a number of time, Sigrid never once took us to her old home in this part of the forest and she rarely talked about it. We pass a spot very near to the place with a cross sticking up from it with a name carved into it...

"Who's Esprit White?" Enid asks having slipped off Firenze's back to walk over and look at it

"A friend of mine's mother," I reply as I too join her in eyeing the cross

"She was a Veela," Firenze adds in now joining us, "wronged the centaurs," he tells us, "and paid the price for it..."

"What she do that warranted death?" Enid asks looking to him

"She didn't," he tells us, "her daughter did," he adds in cause us to look from the cross to him, "she paid the price for her daughter's mistake."

"What do ya mean?" Enid asks him

"Sigrid befriended the centaurs," I tell her with a sigh

"What's wrong with that?" She asks still confused

"Nothing," Firenze tells us, "nothing at all."

"Then someone please clue me in here," Enid replies, "cause I'm clearly not getting it."

"She made a promise to one of the centaur," I say quietly, recalling what Sigrid told me, "she made it as a child not knowing what she was promising to."

"..." Enid eyes us with expectation

"It matters not if you be a child or a grown adult in the centaur culture," Firenze starts off, "to break a promise at any time in our culture, it's-it's..."

"Disrespectful," I cut him off, "her mother refused to go along with the promise made-even tried to fight it..."

"Fighting it is what cost her her life," Firenze finishes

"What was the promise?" Enid asks with peaked curiosity, "what?-that they'd go fishing or something?"

"..." Firenze & I just eye her, causing her laughter to die quickly

"Sorry," she says quietly

"Firenze?" I subtly ask him

"..." he says nothing at first then sighs and finally speaks, "she promised to marry one of us..."

"Not just anyone of you I take it," Enid takes note of his tone,"so who was it then?"

"The son of the herd's leader," I answer her, "though," I add in, "she never did tell me their name...I'm he's the leader now though-or his own child."

"Torvus he was the son of our leader...one of the sons Magnus," Firenze tell us, "he had come from the fairy forest in Great Britain to start his own colony here in the Forbidden Forest..."

"But by the time Sigrid came back here with the lot of us," I continue, "Torvus had been banished for helping a human, wizard thief."

"And the position of leader was left to Magorian," Firenze tells us, "my colony's views on humans were very little then-"

"Hold up," Enid says looking to me, "then how in the hell were they alright with your friends befriending them?"

"Sigrid is only half human," I remind her, "she's also half Veela."
Setting: February 14, 2006-Valentine Day; Potter Manor, 3rd person pov...

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