Wrong Time

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*Teenage Marauders from their time at Hogwarts*
*Harry Potter Yule Ball Waltz soundtrack-it was the best I could find & given how behind in the times the wizarding world in Harry Potter during the series, so it should do.*
*Mentioned dances, but unused music: the Pavane- https://youtu.be/87aoYPS4t_g | the Galliard- https://youtu.be/8lDCxv3Hv2g | the Volta- https://youtu.be/v1Xw5heBnmk | the Gavotte- https://youtu.be/P0tB2rGh1kM | & the Courante-I couldn't find an example video for (which is why it isn't mentioned; to access the links high light, click: look up, then go to search web & click on the first or only YouTube video to that comes up).*
Setting: Periwinkle's last day in 1569 England; masquerade ball at Black house...

"Aren't we early?" Periwinkle asks as they arrive at Black house, "I mean, aren't balls like this usually held at night?"

     For one of the few times in her life, she isn't wearing black, but a dress with a velvet black fabric top, a royal blue silk material outward extending skirt lined with gold. Her hair done up like that of Bellatrix LeStrange, a silver tiara with a single tiny light blue jem in the center & an elegantly designed mask of gold decor upon her face. The heels unseen beneath her dress also of gold design are more from the own time period compared to that of the time she's currently in...

 The heels unseen beneath her dress also of gold design are more from the own time period compared to that of the time she's currently in

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