A New Year

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*Scorpius Malfoy his first year of school*
*Its Up To You: Riddle TM-played as background music;not all lyrics apply*
Setting: Platform 9 3/4s; new generation bidding their parents goodbye as they ready to board the train, 3rd person pov...

"I don't wanna go," Scorpius tells his parents as he hugs his mum

"Sure you do son-" Draco tells him

"I got this," Jemima cuts him off

"..." Draco simply nods before going to meet his sister who no longer as children going off to school, but came anyways to see her nephew off

"What's wrong love?" Jemima asks him as she gets eye level with him

"We just became a proper family-"

"Scorpius," she cuts him short, "a proper family doesn't consist of a mother, father and child, a proper family is anyone anyone who loves each other...I know you know this-"

"We haven't been a family for very long," he restates his words, "I don't want to leave yet, I wanna spend more time with both of you-"

"And you will love," she tells him, "when you come home for Christmas break-"

"And the annual Malfoy Christmas party," Draco chimes in having overheard his sons fears

"What if I don't make any friends?"

"Here dear," his aunt now chimes in, "sweets always do the trick," she tells him, "they helped my Leo make friends, they're sure to help you as well."

"Thanks aunt Nyx," he tells her quietly

"Friends are important love," Jemima tells him, "but they aren't everything-I certainly didn't make friends right away-"

"..." he goes silent, hoping to hear more about her time at school

"What if I don't fit in?' He asks worried

"So what if you don't?" She replies with a smile, "why fit in, when you can stand out?"


"I knew a girl who wasn't afraid to stand out and be herself," Jemima tells him, "people use to call her names and hide her things-but she didn't care about any of that at all."

"What happened to her?" He asks her

"She grew up," she sighs out, "and married the grandson of this history book..." she tells him as she holds up his copy of Newt Scamander's fantastic beasts & where to find them

"..." he looks at her confused

"Hello Jemima," comes an airy-dazed sounding voice

"Luna," Jemima greets, practically jumping on the woman in the form of a hug

"So this is the scorpion king," Luna says looking to the boy

"Indeed," Jemima replies, "this is my Scorpius-"

"Is he quite alright?"

"He's just nervous about his first year is all," Draco speaks

"I see," Luna states, "it's Romulus and Lupus's first year as well."

"..." everyone just stares at her for her bizarre choice of names

"Twin boys?" Jemima asks upon being the first to snap out of it

"Lupus is a girl," Luna smiles-causing more silence, "I should be going."

"..." that said, they all watch the witch skip away without a care in the world

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