Chapter 6

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My breathing was still uneven as awkward took over. They just stare and didn't say anything. The huge body guards grabbed everyone's who was in the lobby attention as I felt uncomfortable. I cleared my throat and causally said. "Can I see your guys tickets?"

They all looked at each other while Joel's eyes never left mine. I looked down and then to my left--everywhere but his eyes.

"Look, if you don't have tickets, I'm going to call security." I threatened. I don't know how I was so calm and confident.

"Compren un boleto. No importa la película." Joel said as he took his wallet out and gave Erick money. The guys all looked at each other uneasy and walked outside with one of the guards as the other stayed with Joel.

I looked around and noticed everyone began to go back to whatever they were doing. My body seemed less tense now that there was less eyes on us.

"Can we talk?" He asked as he shoved his hands on his pockets.

"I'm working." I replied coldly.

"You can take your break. I'll cover." I heard Mario say behind me. I curse under my breath and turn to look at him.

"Wouldn't that be too much? This place is crowded." I said through gritted teeth. Mario smiled cheekily and clearly entertained. Something tells me he's behind this.

"Nope. I got this. Plus there's other workers who can help me." He simply said as his smile never disappeared. I sighed and looked back at Joel whose eyes held hope.

"Fine. Follow me." I said and looked up at his scary body guard who tensed up.

"It's fine. Nothing will happen." Joel assured him and followed me to the back of the snack bar in the small room where Mario and I sit to talk.

"What do you want?" I asked not interested. Way to go Yadira! If you keep it up, he'll fall for it.

"I know you're not okay. And I know you still care." He softly said and leaned against the wooden table. I gulped and looked up at his brown eyes. I didn't say anything though. "Why?"

"Why what?" I asked. He looked into my eyes and studied me.

"Why did you push me away?" His tone said it all. He was broken.

I looked down at the white tiles. I don't know what to say. I don't want to lie and hurt him more than he already is. But he said he didn't care about me.

"You said you don't care about me. And that hurt." I managed to say. "And don't lie to me Joel. There's proof."

"I was forced. I do care about you." His face soften as he clenched his jaw, clearly in the verge of tears. "I'm sorry." He added.

"You should've told me before you said it in an interview." I said raising my voice. Now I was starting to get mad. Great.

"I-I didn't know I was suppose to say it in that specific one. I would've if I knew!" He said as he got closer to me mad as well. I stared into his eyes and shook my head.

"You hurt me so much. I'll never forgive you." I said through gritted teeth as tears spilled. He looked down at my cheeks and fight the urge to clean my tears. He looked broken and all I wanted to do was hug him. "You should go. The guys are probably waiting for you." I added not looking at him and wiped my tears.

He stood there silent and then I heard him walk away. I turn back around and from the small window, i saw him approach his band mates. They all looked at him worried and then back at me. I gulped and headed to the restroom to clean myself up.

This is why I didn't want to speak to him. I knew we were going to get mad and hurt each other even more. Mario owes me big time.


"It didn't end good huh?" Mario asked as his eyes never left the road. I stayed quiet and leaned my head against the cold window. I felt numb it was an indescribable feeling. Mario stopped driving and parked near the curve. Sighing he turn the engine off. I still didn't say a word.

"Yadira please talk to me." He begged. I looked at him and sat up. He sighed in relief and stared into my eyes. I studied him and without any warning, I opened the door and got off.

"Yadira!" He shouted as I closed the door. And continue walking towards my house. "Come back!" He shouted as his footsteps got closer. I hugged my body trying to warm myself up but it was no use. "Yadira, I'm sorry." I felt him grab my shoulder stopping me mid track.

I had no tears, no emotion--nothing. I looked at him as he tried to figure out what was on my mind. It'll be easier for him to figure out what's not on my mind.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have told him to come. I didn't think he'll show up since he was suppose to leave to Miami tonight. Most importantly, I didn't think he was going to bring his band mates and body guards." He confessed. Although it was pitch black, the moonlight illuminated some of his face features. He looked guilty as his eyes held hope. "I'm sorry." He whispered.

"I wasn't ready to approach him." I finally spoke. He slowly nodded for me to continue. I gulped and pushed back a piece of my hair behind my ear. "I'm still confused. I'm still trying to find peace within myself so having him right in front of me, begging to explain my actions, when i don't even know the answer to, it was a sick move, Mario. It truly was." I said getting a little mad. He stared at me blankly not knowing what to say. "I came out as a bitch. I hurt him even more and not just him, but myself as well."

I saw a tear fall from his eye. He gulped and said. "I'm so sorry. That was not my intention. I wanted you guys to make up. I didn't think it'll backfire."

"Really, Mario? You didn't think it'll backfire? I told you how I ignored him like two days ago. Did you really not think that wasn't going to backfire?" I said getting a little louder. I controlled my breathing and fought back my tears.

He stayed quiet and got closer to me. I didn't take a step back though, I stayed still. He looked into my eyes and said. "I just wanted to see you happy. It hurts to see you sad and broken."

I nodded and brought him into a hug. He may be nosy and get in my business but I know he wants the best for me. Ever since Joel left, I haven't found a better friend than Mario. He truly has stick to my side and seeing him guilty or upset because of me, hurts. I never want to see him like this, never.

Published: May 26 2017

Word Count: 1206

Thinking About You - Joel Pimentel Where stories live. Discover now