Chapter 29

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I sat on the red cushion chair of my school's auditorium as it started to fill up with seniors. I left the seat next to me empty as I waited for Mario. The place got louder as students chatted and hugged their friends while I sat there like a loser.

Today's the last day of graduation practice because well, I graduate tomorrow. Finally, the day I've been waiting for.

I felt a shoulder brush against mine making me look up. A smily Mario sat next to me and continue to text.

I sighed and looked around. Everyone looked happy yet nervous. Meanwhile I just wanted to get this over with.

But as soon as I shake hands with my principal and receive my diploma, I'm one hundred percent part of the Cnco team. This means I won't have breaks unless the boys do. Thinking about this, made my stomach knot. Am I really going to continue this job?

"Morning class of 2017!" My principal shouted through the microphone with joy. We responded with an energetic shout. Actually, I just sat there with no emotion whatsoever.

The principal continue to talk about tomorrow's event and how she wanted us an hour early. I knew all this information and hearing it again, was boring the hell out of me. I slumped in my seat and rested my head on Mario's shoulder.

"What are you doing?" He whispered.

"I'm tired." I said.

"Okay. Now everyone up." She spoke as students stood up and the only sound heard were the squeaky chairs. We walked to the entrence of the auditorium and got in order.

Life hates me and decided to give Mario a last name that starts with the Z so I can be left alone in line.

If we were to compare my attitude to everyone who's here, it seem like I rather get ran over by a bus. But what am I suppose to be feeling? It's seven in the morning on a Tuesday.

We waited for our signal and walked in the auditorium as my principal shouted people's name for goofing off. I rolled my eyes at their childishness.

I sat in my proper seat between two guys that smelled awfully bad. I pray to God they shower and spray some cologne tomorrow.


"Let's go to In N Out?" I suggested Mario as we walked out the back doors from our school. He was too busy typing on his phone to hear me. I stopped him and he looked up. "Did you not hear me?"

"I'm sorry. What was that?" He asked putting his phone away.

I sighed and ran a hand through my hair. "Never mind. Just drop me off at my house."

"I'm sorry Yadira. I didn't mean to ignore you." I looked into his eyes as guilt took over him. "Where do you want to go?" He asked nervously.

"Look, I know you better than anyone so what's up? Why are you so nervous and all of a sudden you're interested in your phone?" I then realized I sounded too harsh but you can't blame me. I'm tired, woke up early and to top it off, I haven't ate.

Mario sighed. "I have a date."

My eyes widen as I started to regret what I said. "What! With who!" I shouted getting all up on his face.

He backed up and laughed. "You'll meet her tomorrow. I promise."

"Okay. But you better not-"

"I won't. Now come on, let's get you home." He said and began to walk towards his car. I chuckled and caught up with him.


Soft music played from my speaker as I faced up and stare at the ceiling. I felt nothing and I was relaxed, one of my favorite feelings.

I'm graduating tomorrow

I let out a sigh and sat up. I wished that Joel and I were back to being friends and not be in this awkward situation. I may sound selfish but I wish he never became famous. We would both be getting ready to graduate but instead it's just me.

After the LA concert, we went out to eat. As much as I tried to pull him aside, I'd chicken out.

How am I suppose to find the right words when his brown eyes stare into mine? I get nervous and the fear of screwing up takes over my brain.

Him being the clueless Joel, he never felt or got the hint. All night, I'd play the scenario in my mind but wouldn't find the strength to actually do it.

When our eyes made contact, I melted. I was reminded of how much I love him. He'd smile then look away. Although he was wearing simple clothes, he still managed to look handsome.

"Yadira?" I snapped out of my thoughts and looked up to my brother Nathan who stood in the doorway. "Are you okay?"

I nodded. "Why wouldn't I?"

"Well you graduate tomorrow." He said and sat on the edge of the bed. "Is everything okay?"


"You know, just because we're not super close, it doesn't mean you can't trust me." He said looking at me. I nodded and half smiled. "I know there's some things you want to talk about and it's weird telling mom and dad but you can tell me."

"Are you talking about relationships or sex?" I blurt out and he chuckled.

"None but now that we're on this topic, how's your love life? Have you used any-"

"Nathan stop." I said disgusted making him laugh. "I'm not dating anyone, okay?" He stayed quiet and studied my face. "What? Do I have a moco?"

"Yeah it's like right here." He said pointing to my nose. I slapped his arm and glared at him.

"Why are you truly here?" I asked.

"Because I know you're still in love with Joel and I know about your cries. I've noticed you've stopped so I wanted to check on you."

"This whole time you knew and you barely decided to check on me?"

Nathan chuckled. "Yeah. But sometimes you have to go through pain to understand and to grow."

"I don't need you to preach right now."

"Fine. But all I'm going to say is, go for it. Don't be afraid." And like that he got up and walked out.


Published: July 27 2017

So sorry I been lagging with updates. I've been so busy I haven't had time. Anyways, the books is coming to an end but don't worry there's a sequel on the process.


Word count: 1092

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