Chapter 9

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"So is this legit?" My mother asked and passed the crumbled paper towards my father. He took it in his hand and quickly scan through it.

"Yeah. That's Joel's managers." I said making the both of their eyes pop out of their heads. I played with my sleeves nervously. "If you don't want me to take it. I understand."

My parents both looked at each other and then nodded. "Go." My mom said as they both turn to look at me. My jaw dropped. I was disappointed. I wanted them to say no. On my way here from work, I planned this speech to sabotage it but it backfire.

"Are you sure?" I asked as I held hope in my mind. They both nodded. I threw my hands up in the air and slumped in my seat, annoyed. My parents raised an eyebrow at me, confused.

"Why aren't you jumping up and down of excitement?" My father asked. My mom lightly hit his arm.

"She doesn't want to go. She wanted us to say no." My father nodded finally being on the same page. "Ignore Joel."

I chuckled. "How? If I'm going to be taking pictures of him as well."

"Just do your job but ignore him. Be a professional." My dad added. I rolled my eyes and let out a groan. I really don't want to do this because of Joel but I do want to?


"So did you think about it?" Mario asked as we walked inside the building. I sighed and stopped.

"Yes but I don't have an answer." His eyes brighten up like a little kid's on Christmas morning. "What?"

"So that means you do want to?" I rolled my eyes and continue to walk towards my locker. "Oh come on, Yadira. We both know this opportunity makes you happy and excited."

I got to my locker and opened it without looking at Mario, as if he was never talking to me. "I don't want to get behind in school." I lied.

He let out a sarcastic laugh as I furrowed my eyebrows and blinked multiple times. "What's so funny?"

"You caring about school." I hit his arm with my book and then closed my locker. "You can finish senior year online."

"That's not easy. I'll be super busy." I said leaning my head against the cold metal. The group of cheerleaders passed by. Hannah never let sight of me as they passed.

"Why was she staring at you?" Mario asked referring to Hannah. I shrugged and stood up straight.

"She wants me to join cheer but I don't want to. I don't do sports."

"Cheer isn't a sport." Mario chuckled.

I furrowed my eyebrows. "Yeah it is. I'd love to see you do the splits and all those stunts they do."

The bell rung and we parted ways and headed to our first period class. All day, I sat in my seat doodling not thinking about anything. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. It better not be Mario encouraging me to ditch again.

I looked at the screen and my heart dropped. I didn't save his number but I knew it was him. It was Hesperia's area code. I hit decline and continue to doodle.

Not a minute passed and he was calling again. I quietly groaned and declined again. Does he not know I'm in school? Before he could call again, I raised my hand. "May I use the restroom?"

The class all turn to look at me. My teacher sighed annoyed and signaled me to come up to her desk. I grabbed my bag and got up. I don't trust anyone with my stuff plus I might ditch. People, mainly boys, whispered among themselves on why I was taking my belongings.

"Yadira, there's no need to take your bag." My teacher spoke.

"Yeah it is. When you're on your period." I lied grabbing the slip from her hands and walked out. I heard people giggling as I closed the door.

Again, he was calling and I was irritated. I hit the green button and continue to walk towards the restrooms. "What do you want? Don't you know I'm in school?"

"Dammit. I forgot. I'm sorry Yadira." He said guilty.

I sighed and looked around and made sure no one saw me. "What do you want?" I spat.

He took a deep breathe and said. "I just wanted to clear things up. I didn't talk to Ricky or Renato. I don't know how they found your Instagram page."

Instead of going to the restrooms, I walked towards the front doors. I opened the front door of the school and walked towards the parking lot. There's no one here but I don't want to be inside. Yes, there's a chance I'll get caught by our security but I've done it so many times and I've never been caught. Maybe I'll for sure ditch.

"Okay." I said still annoyed. Half of me started to feel bad for responding in that tone.

The line was silent and I didn't say anything because I really didn't know what to say.

He sighed and I heard his bed creek. "I'm sorry." I stayed silent not saying anything because being petty is how I roll. "For lying. For hurting you. For everything."

I gulped as my lip quiver and tears escaped. I nodded although he couldn't see me. I've missed him so much. I don't know why this is hitting me so hard. It felt like a wave of realization hit me. I wiped my tears and took a deep breathe. "Yeah it's fine." I managed to say.

"Are you going to take the job?" He asked. I could tell he was nervous.

"I don't know." I quickly said since my voice started to sound shaky. The last thing I want him to know is that I'm crying. I don't want to continue talking to him so if I talk less, he'll stop.

"Well, um, I think you should. I don't imagine someone else doing it. You're really creative and artistic." He said and let out a small chuckle. I felt my lips curve. What? I'm smiling?

My breathing and voice were now back to normal. "Thanks. It'll be an honor to-" I covered my mouth before I finished. What's wrong with me? It's like my heart is speaking for itself.

"It's an honor? Of what?" He asked confused. He's either really clueless or he's acting just to hear me brag about him and his stupid little boyband.

"I have to go. Before they catch me and think I'm ditching." I said getting up from the curve of the parking lot. I walked back inside and to my luck, no one was around.

He laughed and then said. "Okay bye"

"Bye." I said and hung up. I stood in front of the door of my first period class. I took a deep breathe and walked inside.


Published: May 30, 2017

Word count: 1165

Thinking About You - Joel Pimentel Where stories live. Discover now