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Lucy's POV

"Are you just going to stay there? Come on!" Yeshia knocked on the window

"Okay, okay"

This girl really can't wait. I said goodbye to Madison first and told her that we're already here.

"Hellooo? Can we go now?" she begged

I unbuckled my seatbelt and opened the door.

"Oh yeah, finally," she grabbed my arm and went inside.

"Who's house is this anyways?" I asked


"What the? Why didn't you tell me?!"

I was shocked at myself to how I reacted but my friend just gave me her infamous playful smile,"You never asked"

"You really are an idiot, stop what your thinking right now," I slapped her arm

"Ouch! Do you even know what I'm thinking? You're sooo defensive!"

"Because all I know is that you're malicious, delusional, and a pervert"

"What? Pervert? How you say so? That's a big joke!"

"I know how you liked touching butts!"

"That doesn't count! It's normal"

We kept teasing each other until we reached the main door. I missed those kind of banter with my bestfriend.

As we entered the huge house, a mansion probably. I was surprised to see everybody and so they are. Everybody's looking and I felt a little self-conscious. Even the Men's soccer team is here.

I hugged them all one by one and was so happy to see my old teammates and some new faces as well.

I talked with some of my closest friends here in the team. Sadly, I heard that Sean quit the Men's team a year ago and that he went to Canada to continue his studies. I have a big feeling that his leave had something to do with Stacy. Speaking of, I haven't seen her yet.

Time passed by so quickly. I sipped my drink and then ran my fingers to my hair. My head is spinning right now. I put my hands on my head and slowly shook my head.

"Hey, drunk already?"

I heard someone's voice, but unsure if he was talking to me. I felt his hands on my waist but I quickly pulled it,"Keep your fucking hands off me, please," I said annoyed

"You're still the same Lucy I know"

I looked at him and was happy to see that it was one of my bestfriends, Troy.

"Troy? Oh man, you look so grown-up!" I hugged him lightly

"What kind of friend are you to not remember your most handsome friend?"

"I'm more handsome than you"

"That was 2 years ago, not now," he fixed his hair and was acting all cute on me

"Tsk, you're not cute. Stop that," I pushed his face with my hand playfully

"Hey! I'm left out!"

Yeshia sat down with us and made our little reunion even happier. Though i'm still drunk. They are my closest friend here. I mean everyone's my friend, but they knew me more than anyone. They knew my secrets, including the story about Stacy.

"You know what, I was left with this punk when you're gone! He was sooo boring and such a funsucker. He's so bossy, look he's not even drinking! That's why he's still a virgin!" Yeshia shouted and can't help but laugh at how Troy wanted to kill her right now

"You're the bossy one, here. You even made me your wing-man to Martin!--"

"Shut uup!"

My tummy is aching already because of too much laughing but I felt something in my throat.

"Uggh, I think I'm gonna puke! You know where the rest room is?"

"Come on I'll help you--"

"No, no. I don't wanna keep you both. Just tell me where it is"

"Girl, there's a lot of restrooms here. There's one there. Just go straight that way and turn left. There are three rooms there--"

"Okay, thanks"

"Wait, hey!"

I can't just hold it anymore. I went to where she told me and found three rooms.

'Holy Shit'- I cursed inside my head. I opened the first door, and luckily it was the rest room. But unfortunately, there's someone in there when I came in.

I saw Stacy with her girlfriend making out. They seemed surprise as well. I felt my stomach turning up and down. I can't hold it anymore so I ran to the sink and throw up. Oh God.
I felt everyone spinning and I then everything turned black.


"Jeez," I felt my head pounding and it really hurts so bad. I slowly opened my eyes and massaged my temple. Everything in my sight is spinning like hell.

I looked around and realized that I'm not in my home.

"Where in the world am I?"

I sat and rested my back in the headboard. I opened my eyes and felt that I'm gonna puke. Good thing that there is a restroom inside.

I vomitted a lot and I think I'm going to die because of the pain in my head. I coughed and puked again. God, I will never drink like that again.

I closed my eyes and felt that I'm gonna throw up again. But thankfully, someone pulled my hair off my face and rubbed my back soothingly.

I breathed heavily and tried removing the sour taste on my mouth by gargling water.

"Holy fuck," my eyes are still closed and I don't have a plan to open them

I almost forgot that I'm not alone, when someone rubbed my back and put my hair into a ponytail.

"How are you feeling?"

I felt goosebumps all over my skin after hearing that voice. I immediately opened my eyes, but I felt a little dizzy as I open them. I tried to walk back but I stumbled and almost fell on the floor. She put her hand around my waist and the other one searched for my left hand. Her hands slowly held mine, and it felt incredible inside me.

She guided me to the bed and I didn't hesitate to throw myself on it. I felt her sitting beside me.

I opened my eyes and finally, I saw her. I saw her beautiful face again. That face that made me nuts before. That face who broke my heart 2 years ago.

Which is kind of my fault. I never had the balls to let her know about my feelings. I was just as confused as her that time. When I was ready to confess, she was already with Sean.

She sighed,"I'll go now, take a rest first. Then I'll drive you home" she said and stood up

"No" I held her wrist and grabbed her back to bed

Her face was flustered and maybe like mine. I'm still so drunk right now. I don't know what I'm doing. I let go off her when I realized that we've been staring at each other.

"I'm sorry," I closed my eyes and covered my face with my hands

"I'll just go downstairs. I'll prepare some coffee or something if you want. I'll wait for you" then she walked out

"I'll wait for you"

What's happening to me? I'll never drink again, swear. Fuck you stupid heart stop beating so fast, please?

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