Part 9

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I woke up with a clear head unlike bree. We had gone out to eat so I could tell her about the days events. I drank only water as bree drank only wine. I laughed as I saw her walking around the house clutching her head and mumbling. The phrase a bear with a sore head could have been tailor made for her. It had been a great night, I could still remember her face when I told her that my Parisian fling had turned out to be my boss. Her face had split into a huge grin and she laughed with gusto. When I told her about the accident with my shirt she fell off her chair. When I say she fell off her chair I meant her are literally fell on the floor. It had been the funniest thing I had ever seen. We had joked and giggled like teenagers it was exactly what I had needed. All day I had been tense I just hoped today would be an improvement, it couldn't be any worse.

I reminded bree that I wouldn't be in tonight as I had a ball to attend. My mother was the chairman of a children's charity and they were raising money to build a summer camp for under privileged children. I hadn't always appreciated everything my mother did when I was young, I hated going to all the social functions. Now I knew how important they really were not only for the charities but for networking . My father always said more deals were done at social events than in a boardroom, over the years I have noticed he is right.

I had come home yesterday to a gown waiting for me in my closet. It was an off the shoulder berry red floor length gown with beading on the chest and a slit in the leg. It truly was stunning, my mum had great taste.  There had even been a pair of shoes waiting. I really was lucky, my mum loved to buy me clothes. It was as though I was her own personal barbie doll , I didn't mind it as much now that I was older. I got free clothes out of it right.

When I got the work I brewed the coffee and replied to my bosses emails. Most of my days work was completed by midday. In reality mr Benjamin didn't really need a secretary, there was very little I had to deal.It had been a pretty uneventful day, I found myself looking forward to the nights ball. The highlight of my shift had been when I was served by the hot guy at the bistro at lunch. None of the days meetings were remotely interesting, I could have easily dozed off at any moment.  I was grateful for the amount of typing I had to do otherwise I may have slept.

I was out of my chair like a shot when my shift finished at 5, I had some beauty appointments plus I had to get ready for the nights festivities.

After hours of being primped and prodded my hair and make up were done to perfection. I felt totally relaxed by the time I got home. I was dressed  and waiting for my dads private car to arrive. My dad had told me to be ready for half 7 and true to his word he was pulling up in front of my apartment block at 7.30 on the dot. My dad being the gentleman he is got out of the car and opened the door for me.

"Darling you look amazing" he said with a kiss to my cheek.

I slid into the seat next to my mother, her blonde hair was teased into a mass of curls on the top of her head. Her dress was firecracker red, she looked truly gorgeous like always . If there was one thing my mother knew how to do well it was her appearance. My mother had competed in beauty pageants when she was a teenager so was use to putting hours into her appearance.

"Taylor darling, you look Devine. Do you love the dress. Please tell me you love the dress" she purred in her thick Texan accent.

I smiled warmly at her and told her that I did in fact love the dress and I thanked her again.

The ride to the event was full of conversation as always. There was never a quiet moment with my mum, she loved to talk. My mother was so charismatic and bubbly, I didn't know anyone that didn't like her. My father doted on her even after being married 23 years. I hoped I would have what they had one day.

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