Part 17

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It hadn't taken long for news of mine and gregs relationship to come out, i had heard someone talking about us the day of the picnic. There had been a boat load of rumours since then, everyone assumed we a couple but no one dared ask. Well everyone apart from my boss.

The Monday after picnic mr Benjamin  called me  into his office . There was a woman I recognised from HR sat in the room. I had known what it was about as soon as I walked in. My boss obviously knew about my romance with his boss.

"Please sit Taylor, this is Julia from HR. I've asked her to sit in the meeting" Mr Benjamin looked uncomfortable, it must have been awkward for him. He was my fathers friend but was my boyfriends employee.

"It has been brought to my attention that you and mr groves are in a relationship. If you tell me it's gossip I will believe you, I know how people talk in offices"

I couldn't lie, I could only look at him and tell him the truth. "It's not gossip, it's true. We met in Paris"

Mr Benjamin looked surprised, I don't think he had been expecting me to be honest. "Paris"

"Yes we met the week before I started here, I didn't know who he was until my second day here"

"You didn't know he owned groves ltd" Julia asked, she looked suspicious. Julia probably thought that I was just with him for his money.

"I didn't know his surname, I just knew him as Greg. If you need me to put in my notice I will" I didn't want to leave the company but I wanted to be respected.

"That won't be necessary" I turned to see Greg standing behind me. He had a face of thunder, I could see the intensity in his eyes. He looked like he was ready to kill.

"Mr groves, I um" I had never seen my boss look so scared. Mr Benjamin was as white as a sheet.

"Taylor and I have been dating since before she started here, we had met a few days before her job here started. I didn't know she worked here and vice Versa. Nothing about our relationship has had any affect on Taylor's performance, or has it" Greg was staring at my boss.

Mr Benjamin seemed to shrink in his chair. "No she's a good worked, I wish my other employees worked as well as she does. I didn't bring Taylor in here to complain about her work. I wanted to know if the rumours were true or if I needed to discipline  others for talking out of turn"

"Well now you know your answer, I don't expect Taylor to receive any special treatment but also I don't want anyone disrespecting her. Our relationship doesn't effect her ability to work here" Greg was strong but respectful.

"Of course" mr Benjamin said.

I watched as Greg left. I was sent back to my desk, I was surprised to see Greg sat in my chair. I noticed he had gathered the attention of many of my colleagues. He had done it on purpose I was sure of it. He was telling everyone that I was his.

"Hi" my voice was quiet and timid.

Greg stood and stood by my side, "hi darling I just wanted to remind you that your meeting my parents tonight "

"They're still alive" I didn't mean to say that out loud, I just though he was too old to have living parents.

He scoffed "im not that old, I still have both parents and they can't wait to meet you"

He gave me a chaste kiss and left. He left me with at least ten pairs of eyes staring at me in disbelief.

It took less than two minutes for Kate to come running towards my desk.

"You and mr groves, I can't believe it. I can't believe you didn't tell me"  she was almost bouncing with excitement.

"I didn't tell anyone, i didn't want to put you in an awkward position with you working for him" I explained.

"The only awkward position here is the ones you get his old body into"

I hit her with other my notepad, Kate just laughed.

"So what's he like in bed, does he have grey pubes. Does his spunk look like dust" Kate was laughing, she really though that she was funny. I however did not.

"I'm not answering you" I huffed.

Kate put her hands together and begged playfully.

I gave in, "you get one question"

"You promise you will answer"

I nodded.

"Does he give you a hard boiled candy when you've been a good girl, my grandpa does" Kate was hitting her legs, she could hardly breath for laughing.

I opened my mouth to chastise her but she put her finger up to my lips.

"That wasn't my question" Kate argued.

"Then stop fucking about and ask" I was getting annoyed now.

"Does he use his  early bird senior discounts when he takes you out to restaurants."

"He's not that old, he's not even 50" I complained, I did find myself giggling a little.

"Does he at least have any good stories about the war, he's been in all of them right" Kate was causing a scene. Our colleagues were looking at us, I was already feeling like I was under the telescope.

"Just think about the best sex you've ever had , then double it. That's the bonus of dating an older man" I said as I walked away from her leaving her dumbfounded.

I could feel everyone's eyes on me , if I hadn't been at work I would have said something but I was a professional so I had to keep it shut.

Now the office and my boss knew about us it wouldn't be long until my parents found out, that was what I was dreading most of all.

My dad would probably hit gregs face with a glove and challenge him to a duel, that's what old people do isn't it?

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