Chapter 25

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"What costume are you gunna wear to meet Lukes friends?" Ask Donny while they eat their lunch in the kitchen.

"I'm thinking I'll go as Katniss Everdeen. I have all the stuff I would need for the first games outfit in my closet. What about you?"

"I don't know yet. Kind of at a disadvantage here" States Donny rolling his wheelchair back and forth in his spot.

"Hmm, let's go to your room and see what we can figure out there." Standing up she calls over her shoulder "Do you know what the Clan is going as?"

Following behind her Donny says "Well I know Derek is gunna be Deadpool and Gemma is Jasmine from Aladdin"

Sifting through his closet, Aria speaks up so he can hear her "Cece told me she is going as Wonder Woman and her brother is going as Beetlejuice, so there is definitely no theme...hmm...ouh how about this?" Turning around to face Donny she holds up a red and white striped shirt his grandmother gave him.

Tilting his head, he tries to figure it out "Yeah I got nothing. What ya thinking Ar?" Tossing the shirt at his head, Aria picks up a pair of his jeans and tells him "Where's Waldo. You just need glasses and the hat."


Waiting in a bar with his friends Luke waits for the others to show up. Adjusting his vampire fangs, he looks over at Ace dressed as Michael Jackson in thriller.

"You guys aren't gunna make this weird are you?" He asks, taking a sip of his beer.

"What, us? Never" Holding a hand over his chest in mock offense. "Come on, how bad can it be? I mean it's just your lifetime friends meeting your secret life."

"Don't remind me" Luke mutters under his breath. Looking over Tim's Captain America shoulder he sees them finally show up. "Finally. Don't be dicks" Giving them a pointed look, he waves over to Aria to grab her attention, bringing everyone over.

"Hey, yo Luke"


"Hahaha are you a vampire? Dude"

Donny, Derek and Adrian are the first to greet him with their man handshake they created.

"Their doing it again" states Cece

"What do you expect, Luke and Donny are always at your house hanging out with your brother on breaks." Counters Gemma

"You could come down once in awhile. You don't have to spend all your time in your studio, we could always use another set of eyes for ideas." Offers Aria

"And counter the boss? No thank you."

"What? I'm not that bad. Luke, Donny tell her." Turning to Luke with her hands on her hips she sees them share a look then say at the same time "You're that bad"

Gasping, she fixes them with a hard glare "5 to 11 tomorrow and 9 to 10 sunday" she hisses.

"Come on that's 5 more hours this week then!" Complains Donny

"Hey you just sit there. I am constantly moving."

Ace, Tim and Jack stand back and watch as their friends jokes around. Feeling left out and wanting to get introductions on their way Jack speaks up. "Forget about us already?"

"Sorry, guess I should introduce everyone." Pointing as he speaks "Cece Anderson, Derek Evans, Adrian Anderson, Gemma Walsh, Donny Sanders, and the ring leader Aria Thompson. Clan I'd like you to meet my best friends Ace Stewart, Tim Henderson and Jack Wheeler. Guys, meet the Clan. Lord help me now."

"Ah, so you are the infamous Aria." Asks Jack, grabbing her hand to kiss the back of it.

"If you say so Captain Sparrow, I see you went with a costume that fits your name." Taking her hand back, she accepts a beer that was passed to her.

"Indeed. Let's get this show on the road then. So... what have you and Luke been up to?"

Laughing at his determination the Clan shakes their heads. "Sorry, but we are sworn to secrecy on that matter." States Derek

Shrugging his shoulders Tim says "Eh, had to at least try."

After that everyone found a table to sit and drink at. Laughs filled the air as people made jokes and had a good time. Eventually the night came to an end early since Aria and Luke had classes the next morning. All in all it went well and Lukes secret was kept, despite the guys trying.

There would definitely be another get together of the two sides of Lukes life.

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