Chapter 6

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After sitting at the bar for a couple more hours talking with his friends as he usually does, never losing sight of the mystery girl, Luke, along with the help of what alcohol is left in his system since he made sure he would be safe to drive home and stopped drinking a bit ago, heads over and interrupts her dancing with Mrs Rysse.

"Mind if I cut in?" Holding her from her back, Luke spins her around and asks "Can you Salsa?" to which she responds "Ha, can I?" like it's something funny. Liking her spunk "Alright, see if you can keep up." back and forth they dance. Spins, dips then out of nowhere she pulls out some fancy footwork and slips a foot between his legs on a drop down. Not one to back down from a challenge, Luke swings her around his back.

Once the music was over, Luke walks her off the dance floor to talk to her. "You got a name?"

"I do." She teases him by not telling "Well our you going to tell me it?" he asks.

"Hmm, maybe... if you tell me yours first." Smiling at having the upperhand and enjoying her time talking to him.

"Alright, seems fair. I'm Luke." Holding his hand out for her to shake he waits for her name.


"Aria. That's a lovely name- *ding* ah, one second" As Luke checks the text message, no doubt from his father for not being home yet, Arias group of friends surround her.

Where are you? Get your ass home, I'm sure you have homework assignments to do. A business owner doesn't wait till the last minute to do something. -George Kane

"Hey I Got to-" Stopping mid sentence Luke looks up to see Aria and her friends are gone. Nowhere to be seen in the entire bar. "Fuck" He didn't even get her number to meet again.

Walking up to the bar he waves over Tina and pays off his tab for the night before driving back home with a beauty by the name of Aria on his mind. 

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