Chapter 58

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It's down to the final dances and the twins are up next.

With Sebastian set at a fake DJ booth the music starts.


All danced in punk, post-apocalyptic clothes, Adrian, Gemma, Cece and Derek join Aria and Luke as the closers for the entire event.

It only seemed right to the couple that their friends got the chance to be in it since they have been such help since the beginning.

Coming from his seat on the side lines, Donny grabs everyone's attention.

"As you all know me and Aria were going to do this competition together but I ended up breaking my leg. I just want to say, Luke, you have done a far better job than I ever could here tonight. You two are the living example of what it means to dance. You do it for yourselves, to make you happy and others happy. I am proud to of been able to be there from the start to see you two grow as a couple and partners, as well to be your friend. Now I don't have any champagne so raise your imaginary glasses. To Aria and Luke."

Chuckling at his efforts, everyone pretends raise a glass, joining together in a circle. "To Aria and Luke!"

"To Donny, without him, none of this would have happened. I can't believe I'm saying this but thank you for breaking your leg." Chims Luke, bringing Donny in for a side hug, which soon turns into a giant group hug.

"Places!" calls one of the stage hands, breaking up their moment.

As the couples make their way to the stage, they all give Donny a wave back at his seat.


Instead of the usual MC all of the other competitons had for Luke and Aria, the Dean of NPAC took the microphone, standing center stage for all to see her.

"Well wasn't that quite a show?" Everyone in the crowd yells their approval. "I thought so too. These 5 couples have made it through months of hard work to get passed the other 3000 people who had signed up, can we give them a round of applause for that?"

Once the roar of the crowd calmed down, each couple was individually introduced as they lined up on stage, a spotlight for each one.

"Only one couple will win the scholarship and the $500,000 prize, and that goes to the highest scored team. Unfortunately we have come into a bit of a problem. You see, there is a tie for first place."

While the crowd explode shouting things such as 'how could there be a tie!' and 'who is it' Aria keeps a death grip on Lukes hand waiting for them all to shut the hell up so she can find out who placed first.

"Before I tell you who, I need to tell you how we are going to break the tie." Seeing as everyone quieted down to hear the rules she continues. "It has been decided that the audience will choose who will win. Your enthusiasm will be our scale."

Letting that information sink in she says "reveal our finalists" and watches on as the lights go out on 3 spot lights.

"Oh my god." mumbles Luke as Aria shuts her eyes as shut as they possible can.

"What" her voice wavers back.

"Open your eyes." Taking a breath she does as told, slowly opening her eyes to look at Luke in question. Seeing him gesture his head to look around she sees Addison and Sebastian illuminated against the stage.

Just like them

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