Chapter 53

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Sitting in Antonio's Pizzeria the Clan and Luke enjoy their lunch break 2 weeks after the 'rescue mission'.

Curled into her boyfriend's side, her body moves with his as he laughs at the joke Donny made.

Suddenly the atmosphere goes tense as somebody enters the door behind them. Turning to look, Aria feels her body go tense as well. For a bottle blond bitch and her henchman just walked in.

Spotting them, Addison saunters over. "Well lookie here, if it isn't the dancing dorks"

Standing up, Aria uses her body as a human shield for her friends, ready to protect them. Feeling a warm mass behind her she knows Luke joined her, a fact she is grateful for.

"What are you doing here Addison. Your latest sugar daddy drop you off on the wrong street corner?" taunts Aria. Seeing her face go red as her friend snicker behind her, Aria feels satisfied with her comeback.

"I happen to be here to pick up my diamond encrusted outfit for the finals. Besides it looks like you're the one with the sugar daddy." She sneers. Looking up at Luke her face instantly transforms. Fluttering her eyelashes and sensually biting her lip, Addison puts on her best flirting face. "Hi cutie, wanna come with me? I'm sure I can give you a better ride than she ever could." she practically purrs out.

Snorting, Luke says "I'd rather eat shit than have to touch you with a 10 foot pole. Go try your tricks somewhere else cause we ain't buying."

Watching her face fall was priceless.

"Yeah? Well you all can go to hell! See you at the finals losers." Stomping her way out the door, Sebastian follows with their pre-ordered pizza in his hands.

Sitting back down, everyone pats Luke and Aria on the back congratulating them for winning the verbal battle.

"Hey I gotta go to the bathroom, be right back." Luke whispers in her ear, placing a kiss on her cheek before leaving the booth.

Watching him go Adrian speaks up. "How long have we known Luke now?"

"7-8 months why?" questions Aria.

"Well it's just... I don't think we have officially added him to the Clan. He's done so much and is still technically an outsider."

The quiet pause over everyone gets interrupted by Donny. "Duuuude, you're right! What are we gunna do?"

"Initiate him?" offers Cece.

"How?" Counters Gemma.

Suddenly a grin overcomes Derek's face. "I have an idea."

"Idea about what?" Asks Luke as he sits back down, startling the group by his reappearance.

"Nothing!" They shout out together, effectively making Luke more curious.

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