Chapter 7

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The wednesday after the Dance Clan got together at the bar Donny found, Aria thinks over the details while driving to her apartment.

Cece agreed to making their outfits saying she didn't have anything planned for her line yet, and she always did love making the extravagant designs rather than normal clothes. So it was a win-win. As well everyone agreed to be of service for group dances when needed as long as practice didn't affect their class and work schedules.

Pulling into their driveway, Aria notices Donny's car isn't there. Must be out. She thought.

Walking into the kitchen to start tonight's dinner she gets to work.


Dinner has been prepped, cooked and eaten by Aria over an hour ago yet Donny still wasn't home yet and hadn't texted if he was staying out. It was one of their rules. If they are going to be late or staying somewhere, you either call or text each other so they know you are alright.

Deciding to give him another half hour, and take a shower, Aria waits for contact from Donny thinking maybe he forgot and give him the benefit of the doubt.

Half an hour latter and still nothing, Aria decides to call his phone.

As she is about to hit the call button an unknown number shows up. Having a bad feeling she accepts.


"Hello is this Aria Thompson?" A middle aged woman asks.

"This is she. May I ask who is calling and why?" Getting nervous, she starts to bite her lip.

"My name is Debra, I'm a nurse at Nevada Hospital, do you know a Donny Sanders?"

Feeling the blood rush out of her face she responds quickly "Yes! Yes, he is my roommate, is something wrong? Did something happen? Is he alright?"

"There was an accident, he is fine now but he broke his leg. You are his emergency contact so I have called to let you know. He has asked to see you."

Already in her car trying to jam her keys in the ignition while still holding the phone, Aria sets out for the hospital.

"Yes, thank you I am on my way now, I will be there soon." Not giving her any time to respond, she hangs up and speeds to be by Donny's side.


After finding out his floor and room number, Aria runs to Donny after relaying the info in the Dance Clans group chat since she informed them on her way there.

Pausing outside his room to catch her breath, she walks in to see him flirting with a young nurse who brought his meal.

"Leave the poor girl alone will ya." smiling at the fact that he can be hurt but still has the ability to flirt his ass off if he wants to.

"Ar! Come on over, I was just talking to uh..." starts Donny, already forgetting the nurses name.

"Genny" The nurse supplies.

"Right, Genny here about getting back on my feet so we can kick ass and get you that dance scholarship."

"Oh well how long will it take."

"I'm sorry but he has had a serious fracture to his leg. He shouldn't use it for 3-6 months. Once it's healed we will start some Physiotherapy to build back up muscle strength but I wouldn't recommend straining it with dancing. Sorry."

Trying to not let her heartbreak show, she thanks the nurse and heads over to the bed.

"I'm so sorry Aria, this is all my fault. I know how important this is to you." Donny tries to sit up, only to be pushed back down.

"Yes, getting into that school was important to me but your health is more important. I'd rather have you, broken and no scholarship, than you dead and the scholarship. Now tell me what the hell happened. How did you break your leg?" As he opens his mouth to respond the door bursts open and four people tumble in, all speaking at the same time.

"Are you alright?"

"Oh you poor baby!"

"You can still dance right?"

"Anybody see the hot nurse walk by?"

Everyone turns to glare at Adrian who is too busy sticking his head back out the door. Cece walks up to her brother and hits him in the back of the head, ignoring his complaint. "Focus, Donny is hurt and all you care about is staring at her ass."

Rubbing the back of his head he mumbles "meanie" earning a hard glare and a "what was that?" from his sister.

Quick to recover he rushes over to Donny's side "I, uh said 'Donny, your leg' "

"Nice save" Whispers Aria trying to hid a smile at her favorite siblings antics.

Saving his friend, Donny tells the Dance Clan what happened. "My buddy Dave has, or well had a motorcycle. He let me ride it and well... I wasn't good. Braked too hard, slid and it landed on my left leg. They said it's gunna take 3-6 months and then I will need therapy to walk again."

Everyone was silent after that. As Aria looks down at her hands, the rest look at her, knowing what a loss this is to her.

In a soft voice, barely above a whisper Gemma asks "So...are we still going to try for the scholarship?"

Looking up at her friends Aria states "I don't see how, Donny is never allowed to dance anymore and the first round is within a month."

"Well, I'm sure there is something we could do." states Derek.

"Yeah? Like what?" trying to keep her tears at bay.

Everyone is silent for a while trying to think of something. Suddenly Adrian jumps up from his seat on the couch and exclaims "I've got it!"

All eyes turn to him. "What is it?" asks his sister.

"Just find a new dance partner." He stated like it's the most obvious thing.

"I don't know Adrian. First I would have to find someone, hope they are actually good. Who knows if we work well together and-" Cece interrupts her rambling and pacing by grabbing Arias shoulders and shaking her a little.

"Breath Aria, breath. I'm sure we can find somebody. It's worth a shot than not trying something at all isn't it?" Looking at her friend's face in front of her then to the others around the room, Aria thinks how bad can this be?

"Okay fine. I'll see if I can find somebody else to dance with."

A round of cheers goes around the room.

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