Chapter 28

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"So where we going, and don't do the cliche of 'it's a surprise' " Turning in her seat to look at him, she catches a dazzling smile on his face.

"Well there goes that line, alright fine we are going to have a picnic in one of my favorite places and get to know each other better." Sparing a glance to see her reaction he is pleased to see her smiling.

"I love picnics, if we stay out long enough we can watch the stars too." bouncing in her seat, all her worries about this date going bad flew out the window.

Laughing at her enthusiasm he grins as he says "Good, I brought extra blanket just incase we stayed out late and get cold."


"We're here" Pulling up a secluded road you wouldn't see unless you were looking for it, they got out of the car carrying the blankets and prepared basket from the back seat.

"Not planning on murdering me out here are you? I never knew this place existed." Aria teases as they take their mini hike to Lukes spot.

"Never, and nobody know about this place except for me, and well you now. I'd like to keep it a secret if you don't mind, or i'm afraid I'll have to kill you." He teases right back.

Raising an eyebrow in question she can't help but ask "Nobody, what you never brought any other girls up here before?" Ignoring the pain in her chest at the thought of him sharing wherever they were heading with someone else.

"Well there was one." Seeing him with a far off look, probably remembering the bombshell he brought here before me, she thought with spite, she quickens her pace not wanting to be next to him anymore.

"Oh" failing to keep the hurt out of her voice she clears her throat and continues "I'm sure she loved you showing it to her."

"More like she showed it to me. When I was little my mom would sometimes take me out for some mother son bonding and we would go hiking. This was her favorite spot, so it became mine too. Haven't been here in years though." Feeling better that it was his mom and not another girl, Aria suddenly feels stupid for getting jealous of an imaginary girl that he would have dated before her. Why should I care it's not like we are boyfriend girlfriend. He can go on a date with somebody else right after this.

"Were you jealous I was here with someone else before?" amusement lacing his voice.

"What! No, no let's just... just point the way." hiding her face in the blankets in her arms she ignores his laughter at her expense and increase in blush.

"Hey, if it makes you feel any better I would be jealous of your ex-boyfriends" retaking the lead, slowing down till he eventually stopped.

"There would be no need, I'm not with any of them anymore so it clearly didn't work out. If anything they should be jealous of you. Why'd you stop?"

Taking the blankets from her arms after setting the basket down on the ground, Luke says with utmost seriousness "Because they got to date an amazing woman who is kind, smart and beautiful before I did. They were fools to let you go." Smirking as he remembered something he lightens the mood teasing her by saying "Or they just couldn't keep up with their micro penis's"

Feeling like her heart stopped beating with his kind words about her, Aria snaps back into reality ready to kill Donny with his big mouth back when everyone met. That is till Luke moves to the side showing off the most beautiful view she has ever seeing.

Stepping forward she looks over the hilltop to see their city in the distance as the sun begins its slow decent bringing out a gorgeous pallet of colors in the sky.

Holding a hand over her mouth she turns back to Luke seeing him waiting her response to his secret oasis. "It's beautiful" she breaths out. "I love it. Your mom has great taste."


"Come again?" She asks, confused by his one word answer.

In a quiet voice barely above a whisper he says "Had. My mom had great taste. She's dead"

Face as white as a sheet of paper, Aria begins to apologize profusely. "Oh God, I'm so sorry. I didn't know. I never should of said anything."

Smiling softly at her "It's fine. Usually people know of the death of Mrs Maria Kane. It's kind of nice to know someone hasn't read all that garbage conspiracy theories about her death. I could actually tell you what really happened if you'd like?"

Grabbing a blanket to set down, she nods slightly "If you'd like to. My ears are open. From what I've heard you say about your dad he wasn't really a shoulder to cry on for you growing up, but know I will be if you want me to. The whole Clan would."

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