Hopeless Romantic

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(A/N: Sounds cute. Hopefully is cute. Enjoy (づ。◕‿‿◕) )

I sighed, taking a sip of my coffee. My unfocused eyes glued to the television in the corner of the small cafe. Sojiro Sakura's cafe or "Leblanc" to be specific. But that's all I knew about the guy. Well, anyone could figure that out. Hell it was on his uniform. A name tag.
Is this really what my mind thinks about? So random, geez. I tuned back into the current broadcast.
"... Kamoshida confessed to all crimes in front of the entire school! Police are currently investigating the reason..." It displayed a gym teacher bent over on a stage in front of what seemed to be an entire student body...
Ugh. I was sick yesterday and stayed home. Of course, with my luck, it just HAD to be on a day with all the drama. Alas, it'd probably be in my best interest to stay away from drama.
I opened my phone and checked the time. 11:30 PM. It's pretty late. I should go home soon. Mom doesn't care how long I stay out, as long as I'm there in the morning. I told her I was out with a friend. Yeah, a friend called "Curiosity", but can you blame me?
We moved to this city only a little bit ago. While we were unpacking, I wasn't allowed to leave. This was my first chance to explore. So, i obviously grabbed that chance by the balls and steered it in the preferred direction. I found a bunch of shady shops along with arcades and stuff like that. I ended up stopping at this place because it was nice and quiet. The guy who worked here didn't attempt to make conversation or be overly cheery with me. I found that to be a nice change of pace. Call me crazy, but I'm just tired of pretending. Of others pretending. Of myself pretending. It's all just so... fake and unnecessary. And annoying, though that's a given.
I transferred to Shujin Academy with another student that I've already forgotten the name of. The uniform had a... unique style, but it grew on me.
The bell to the door rang, another person walking in. I didn't bother looking up. Let's just hope one of us leaves soon. I don't feel like having company right now.
"Took you long enough. Just take the keys and lock up for me if you're going to be this late. I'm leaving. Take care of the last customer for me, then flip the sign. You should know the drill." Sojiro spoke in a gruff voice, clearly displeased. The bell rang again, signalling his departure.
I felt a tap on my shoulder and looked up. The other transfer student from my school looked down at me. Or at least I assumed so. The glare of his glasses was so thick that I'd never actually seen his eyes before. He had messy black hair and those huge glasses. Both attractive and a man of few words.
"Do you need anything else, (L/N)-san?" he spoke quietly. In an almost lilting manner. So calming and peaceful I struggled to stay awake. Caffeine never really helped until later on, but luckily I had thought ahead and made sure I got decaffeinated coffee. It tasted bad, but eh, I just needed something to warm me up.
"No thanks. Uh, and you can just call me (Y/N),"
He nodded and went behind the counter, presumably to clean up. He's so... formal. It could be awkward with other people, but with him it's just... weirdly charming. And he's either shy or extremely respectful because he rarely speaks. I wish he spoke more. I might fall asleep right here, but it would be comfortable.
Thunder rumbled outside causing me to grimace. Walking home would definitely be a pain. Maybe I could try waiting it out.
"Hey, I hate to be that person, but I forgot your name," I cracked an awkward smile.
He looked up at me wordlessly. I still couldn't see his eyes. A moment of silence passed between us, the only sound being the rainstorm outside and the running faucet as he washed dishes. A meow came from his bag, which rested on the counter. I dragged my gaze away from him. A small black cat with white markings and striking blue eyes perched in his bag adorably.
"Aww, I didn't know you were a cat person. Come 'ere big guy!" I cooed to the cat, beckoning it over. He purred and leaped down from his perch. He made his way over onto my lap. I started to happily stroke his fur. He purred happily, and I heard a strange grunt from my human company.
"Akira Kurusu," he stated. I relished hearing his voice again. It was a weird thing to appreciate but, I felt my eyes closing of their own accord.
"Fun... Could you talk more?" I absently wondered aloud.
I didn't see his surprised expression as he replied, "Why?"
I opened my (E/C) eyes and sweetly smiled at him. "It sounds nice. You don't mind, right?"
A light pink dusted his cheeks and he cleared his throat. "U-Uhm, sure. So," he paused, "What do you want me to say? This is kind of random if we're being honest here. And, um, well it's different than what I usually hear..." he trailed off to see me fast asleep.
"Mmm..." I hummed softly, sinking into the table in an unconscious attempt to get comfortable.
The cat jumped off of my lap and meowed again.
"Sh-Shut up. It's not like that. What am I supposed to do with her now?" He asked. To the average onlooker, he'd appear to be mentally challenged. Either talking to an imaginary friend or the cat.
I had fallen deeply asleep and wasn't able to hear or see this seemingly nonexistent conversation.
Akira sighed and stood up. He rolled up his sleeves, adjusted his glasses, and picked me up bridal style. The cat mewed again, making him blush, but he ignored the feline.
I snuggled into his chest, clutching onto his shirt with my hands. His blush deepened and he thanked whatever higher power above that no one but Morgana was there to see him.
He gently carried my asleep form up the stairs. He placed me down onto his bed and tucked the sheets around me.
"I shouldn't do anything else for now, lest she charge me of assault or something." He theorized aloud, before setting about to make himself a bed. Once finished, he admired his small temporary floor bed and locked up the shop.
"Good night." He whispered, staring at my calmly asleep face. He smiled gently and closed his eyes as well.
A meow interrupted the peaceful silence.
A flustered response came after, "I am NOT a hopeless romantic. I just met her! I'm being nice. This is just what I have to do. I couldn't just leave her there!"
A pause and another mew.
"No. And don't give me that look. Good night."

A/N: Heh. Morgana you sly dog. Or, wait, that doesn't work because he's a cat. UHM WELL JUST IGNORE WHAT I SAID. Also, the first part when Morgana is purring on your lap, he's actually saying something. I'll let you fill in the blanks lol.



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