But Senpai-!

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(A/N: hot asf ^^ *drooling emoji* 

WARNING! Character death, but not as explicit as the Info-(Y/N) two-shot

Also, Imai Naoko (from Info-(Y/N)) makes a reappearance as the lovesick, cyberstalking girl from the game :3

Request by LollyLin)

I whistled quietly as I wandered through the halls of the school, briefly peering into rooms to check for any misbehaving students. Right now was my off-hour, and I was required to patrol around the school during the entirety of it. I groaned and paused in the hallway, checking my watch. Another five minutes to go.

Of course, five minutes felt like another two hours.

I sighed and rounded a corner, bumping into another person. A chuckle came from them. "I wondered if I might bump into you." the voice teased, gently grasping my wrists. I smiled, looking up into the eyes of my longtime boyfriend, Akira Kurusu. He leaned down and pressed a chaste kiss to my lips. "You come here often?"

"Nice try, pretty boy." I said, pulling him towards me while I walked backwards. "Students who are caught skipping class are punished."

He grinned. "Oh? And how do you know I'm skipping class?"

I shrugged innocently. "You're right. I'll have to search you for a hall pass." I yanked him by the tie and into the girl's bathroom, knowing no one was inside. I fell into a stall and kicked the door shut behind us.

Akira shook his head in amazement at me. I cocked a brow, daring him to say something. He shrugged and held out his arms. "Search me."

I placed my palms on his shoulders and slowly trailed them down over his chest, stopping just above his belt. He bit his lip to stop a laugh from coming out. I then felt for his back and smoothed down his shirt, resting my hands on his ass. "Hm... I can't seem to find a hall pass, young man."

He lowered his arms and snaked them around me. "You forgot to check somewhere else."

"Oh? Do tell." I said, but kissed him before he could say anything.

He responded eagerly, darting his tongue into my mouth. I sucked lightly, groaning when his hands met my breasts, kneading them through my shirt. My own hands fell to his and pulled them off of me. I paused our kiss to breathe out, "Naughty, we're still in school."

He sighed into my mouth, deciding instead to rest his hands on my hips. "Why'd you go and get my hopes up like that?" he whined.

Just then, the bell rang, making me jump slightly. "Oh! You need to go." I said, booting him out of the stall and pushing him out of the bathroom entirely. A couple of students threw confused looks at him, seeing as he just emerged from the girl's room.

He whipped around with wide eyes. "(Y/N)!!"

I stuck out my tongue at him childishly, shooing him away. He rolled his eyes and blew me a kiss, before sauntering off to his next class. I smiled softly, watching his ass as he walked away.

~ le time skip brought to you by god i'm lonely ~

School ended, and it was raining. I rummaged through my backpack and groaned when I came up empty-handed. Ann patted me on the back. "Forget your umbrella?"

"Of course!"

She nodded. "I'd offer you mine, but..." she cocked her head towards the window, a small smile twisting her lips. I frowned and looked over.

Standing by the gate was Akira, who was waving up at me with an umbrella guarding him from the rain. I laughed lightly, waggling my fingers back at him. "You two are so cute." she chuckled. "C'mon, I'll walk you down."

Akira Kurusu x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now