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Author: NEIN STAHP jkjk do what you want but that's not what this chapter is about... or is it? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) )

I straightened up, putting away the last dish. I washed off my hands before casually wiping them on the towel hanging from my waist.
"It's about time you finished... Listen, I'll have... another person coming to live here. They're coming in tomorrow, so don't be alarmed, okay?" Sojiro's tired voice rang out from behind the counter.
"Got it, Boss. Mind if I ask the name of this lucky guy or gal?" I asked jokingly.
"His name is Akira Kurusu. He'll be attending your school, too," he paused, then added, "And, I'll increase your pay if you keep him outta trouble for me."
"Sure thing! Tomorrow's Sunday, but I'll come in and meet him if you want." I smiled, stifling my laughter.
He nodded, before yawning. "Well, I'm gonna hit the hay. You can close and clean up. See you tomorrow." he said before leaving the shop, the bell above the door ringing cheerily.
I giggled, before whispering to myself, "So, I'm both a part-timer and a babysitter. Hopefully he won't be too much trouble."
I closed the shop and walked home.
As I fell asleep, I found myself wondering about the teenager I was going to take care of. Why did Sojiro say that? What has he done to have to be babysat?
Eventually sleep was kind enough to envelop my senses and questions, and I unconsciously waited for morning.
~Le time skip brought to you by Bassy's Booty
-ful cat-loving self lol you thought~
I groaned and slammed my hand on the alarm clock next to my head. I steadied it on my nightstand before pulling myself out of bed. I dressed in casual clothes and left to walk to LeBlanc. Upon arrival, I peered inside, seeing that Sojiro and someone else were already inside. Must be my new burden. Well, not burden, but responsibility is a nicer word.
I opened the door. The bell above it rang, drawing their attention.
"We're closed - oh. It's you, (Y/N). Come in." Sojiro nodded at me, and sat down on one of the stools.
I looked at his guest. My eyes widened and I blushed. I hadn't planned for him to be so attractive. Ugh! And of course he's apparently "bad news" and irresponsible. I sighed and walked over. I held out my hand and put on a sweet smile, "Hi! You must be Akira. I'm (Y/N) (L/N)."
He wordlessly took my hand and gently shook it. He's so warm.
Sojiro cleared his throat, and I quickly released his hand, blushing.
"(Y/N) will keep an eye out for you, boy. Why don't you spend the day together and get to know each other?" he asked. Well, with Sojiro it was never really a question. It was either "do it" or "leave".
"Sure, Boss. Uh, do you want me to feed him or something?"
"Show him around town, he's new after all."
I nodded and smiled at Akira, before leaving the shop. Thankfully, he followed me.
We walked aimlessly around, and I made small comments at every notable spot. After a while, I bit my lip, looking over at him.
"So, uh, tell me about yourself," I said, hoping for a response.
He sighed, "My name is Akira. I was sued and charges were pressed against me. Now I'm attending Shujin Academy. Sojiro is taking care of me now."
My eyes widened. Is this what Sojiro meant?! Charges pressed against him?!
"O-Oh... Uhm. If you don't mind me asking, why were you charged?" I stuttered out the question, suddenly wary.
He looked at me in surprise, before grimacing, "I saw a woman being sexually harassed. I couldn't just do nothing. I protected her, and the guy sued and pressed charges." My outlook on him completely changed from that point on.
He protected a woman and wasn't violent for no reason.
Had a melodious voice - seriously, he should talk more often.
And I was required to spend time with him. I totally hit the jackpot.
I beamed, "You know what? I think you and I will be great friends, Akira,"
I didn't look at him, but to any onlooker, it was apparent that he was blushing.
"Why's that?" he asked.
"'Cause I like you, duh!" I laughed, and his blush deepened. He stayed silent until we returned to the cafe.
He was about to open the door, but I stopped him.
"I'd love to spend more time with you. See you at school!" I smiled widely, before walking away to my house.
The black-haired male blushed yet again, before entering the shop.
"Don't tell me you've got a crush on your babysitter." Sojiro said, turning around in his chair and noting his blush.
"Of course not," he said, "it's just hot in these clothes."
Sojiro let loose a rare laugh, "Sure. But it's also only 10 degrees outside. Go upstairs and clean your new room, loverboy. Don't lose my only worker."
The older man turned back to the television, chuckling. Poor Akira's blush deepened even moreso, and he walked upstairs.
Akira buried his face in his pillow.
I buried my face in my pillow.
"Oh no," we both mumbled to ourselves, knowing just how doomed we both were.

A/N: I hope you enjoyed that! I know, I know, I suck at these. But you can't stop me!! MWAHAHAH! *Ahem* sorry.
Some things:
I use fahrenheit and so does this story
I'm also not going to use "noiret", which I've seen in other fics. Because it's only defined in Urban Dictionary, so I doubt it's a real word. If you know it is and tell me, then I'll totally start using it. (It's definitely a lot easier lol, I just want to be accurate).
AND idk, but a kind of headcanon of mine is that he has a pretty radical voice. Jkjk not RaDicAl but like nice-sounding.
Aaanndd, sorry if it went a lil too fast.
Love you~~ Comment!!~~

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