Partners in Crime (on purpose this time)

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(A/N: I guess this can be considered a holiday fic since it has aspects of it and it's almost the end of November... Also: I can't help it--I'm in love with criminal characters, can you blame me??? The stories are so fun??)

"...and we made eye contact!!!!" the woman in front of me squealed, bringing her sugary coffee to her lips. I blinked, startled from my reverie by her words. The pleasant smells of the cafe rushed to my nose and I breathed in deeply. My face morphed into a calm expression as I watched her take a sip and return the drink to its napkin on the table between us. She gazed at me expectantly, green eyes glittering. "So...?" she prompted, aware that I wasn't going to say anything otherwise.

I rolled my eyes and leaned forward onto the table. My fingers swirled the stick around in my own coffee and I stared into its depths. I had barely taken a sip of mine--she ordered it before I arrived and it was a sickly brown color that told me it would taste awful. I usually took it (however you usually take your coffee/not at all).

"Well? What does it mean?" she reached for my hands, warming them. A pleasant sensation given the never-ending cascade of snow falling from the sky outside.

I shook my head. "What makes you think that I, of all people, would be able to predict the future?"

Evelyn gave an exasperated laugh, "The more important question is why do I even try small talk with you?" I snickered in response.

"Fine. Eye contact, you said?" I mock-gasped before sending her a teasing smile, "I hope you were using protection." I took a sip of the coffee in front of me absentmindedly and grimaced as it slid down my throat. I pushed it further away from me but Eve didn't notice.

She sighed dreamily. "Whatever. I know we're meant to be."

"That nurse probably didn't think twice about you." I pointed out, tilting my head to meet her eyes.

"How dare you say that! We're going to have two dogs and a quaint house in the countryside-" she trailed off, mumbling to herself about her latest daydream. I rolled my eyes. Knowing Eve, she probably wouldn't snap out of it for a while. I sighed, pushing myself out of the small wooden chair and smoothing down my coat. I dropped some cash on the table and patted her blonde head before taking my leave.

There was a stark contrast between the atmosphere inside the cafe and outside. Inside it was warm and cozy and had all sorts of holiday vibes. Outside it was much colder and the pretty lights strung about the place did little to distract me from the shivers that racked my body. I tugged my hat down over my ears and hastened my pace back towards my home.

~ le time skip brought to you by Russian super-tuberculosis ~

My frozen hand wrenched open the door to my home and my face reddened from the warmth. I stepped inside and my back thudded against the door, shutting it with the force of my weight and keeping that awful cold outside where it belonged. I shivered, shrugging off my coat and unzipping my boots quickly to try and suck up all the warmth in the room.

A strange smell wafted over to where I stood at the door. Pleasant, but strange--it smelled like some kind of baked goods like there were at the cafe. I frowned, tensing my body. Is someone here? I took tentative steps forward, my hands finding an umbrella by the door and holding it up like a sword. I peered around the corner to look into my living room and kitchen. No one was there.

I walked in further, feeling a little stupid to be creeping around my own home to be honest, and found no intruders. Upon entering my kitchen, though, I found a candle sitting innocently on the island. It was a creamy color with two lit wicks inside of it that flickered violently when I approached. I furrowed my brow. I didn't remember buying any candles.

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