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(A/N: I just watched wonder woman (2017) again and i am not ashamed to say that the best way to go out is by gal gadot absolutely fucking crushing me with her thighs-

anyway uh 

Request by caramelcabbage)

Joker... got captured? Again?

Our leader kneeled on the ground in front of us, a Shadow firmly holding him there. She smirked down at the rest of us mockingly. How does he manage to be so goddamn stupid? 

"What's a group of misfits without their leader?" she scoffed, "There is no honor among thieves, as they say."

Makoto, a woman I'd grown to respect over time, had actually stepped back. She doubted herself for the first time since becoming a Phantom Thief. She faltered.

And with her loss of confidence came the downfall of the rest of the group. When Joker wasn't the leader, she was. They deferred to her, and thus matched her approach. Or lack thereof.

"Nothing?" the Shadow laughed. "My, my, I guess I'll be keeping this one." Joker and I made eye contact and he cocked a brow. 

I frowned, looking between the two parties. Was this really happening? The group huddled together around Makoto, while I watched on. She muttered something, and I could see the others visibly deflate. Whatever she said made them drastically lose confidence in their own abilities. Panic set in on their faces. They whispered amongst themselves. 

This was surprisingly out of character for Makoto. I genuinely didn't expect her to lower morale rather than raise it. 

I shook my head, disappointed. This calls for a pep talk. I strolled over to them, coming to a stop behind Queen and resting my hand on her shoulder. She turned, and all of the attention rested on me. "Guys." The din of their whispers quieted immediately. I preened slightly at the respect I so easily commanded.

"We have handled worse. What's the big deal this time? What makes her" I cocked my head towards the darkened figure, "so much more frightening than all of the rest?"

"The undefeated Phantom Thieves encounter the smallest bump in their plan, and what? They're ready to quit?" I removed my hand from her shoulder. 

"I guess this is it, then, huh? Let's just wash our hands of the matter entirely, shall we?" I dusted my hands together for effect.

I shook my head. "You're not seriously thinking that, right? If so, I'm not sure I want to be in this group anymore. That's not the group I've grown to know and love so dearly."

I gestured vaguely towards the Shadow. "After how far we've come, a simple, weak Shadow like her is what finally frightens you off?" I saw the Shadow in question ruffle slightly at the comment.

Ryuji tightened his fist. "Well, shit, when you put it that way."

I smiled softly at him, inclining my head slightly in thanks. He shrugged, a wild grin taking over his face. The group would follow his optimism. Their backs straightened. "Besides," I turned to Joker, "the only person who's allowed to see you like that should be me, no?" I winked.

Joker coughed to cover up his laugh. He bit his lip and his eyes rose to mine, sparkling happily. He winked back, "That's right." The others laughed slightly. Nothing like a little banter to help raise spirits. I threw him back a small smile of thanks for playing along before schooling my expression back into one of indifference.

The Shadow stepped forward to say something, tugging Joker roughly forward by his collar. "Careful with the merchandise." I barked, cutting off whatever she was about to say. She snarled animalistically. I rolled my eyes.

"This is all very heartwarming, but now let the ass-kicking commence!" she laughed.

I cracked my knuckles. "You should give Joker back unless you want your next period to come out of your nose." The others stepped up beside me, much more motivated and ready to fight than they were before. Thank God, I wasn't sure if that would work.


~ le time skip brought to you by my humps ~

Akira was walking me home, like he always did. We both lived in Yongen-Jaya, so he figured it was the gentlemanly thing to do. I really didn't care either way, at first. But his calming presence fast became familiar and comforting. He nudged me slightly, breaking me out of my trance. "What?" I asked.

He rolled his eyes. "I said, about... today..."

"Oh. What of it?" I asked noncommittally.

"I could've gotten out of there without your little speech." he teased, winking playfully.

I nodded mockingly, "Hm, y'know if I wanted any lip from you I'd sit on your face."

And with that, Akira halted in his tracks. I went on, biting back my smile. I knew that would surprise him. I always did like doing that.

"Wait, huh?" he called out smartly, running to catch up with me again. He caught my elbow, turning me towards him. I bumped against his chest. I looked up into his eyes calmly, hiding my amusement when I saw the blush on his face. He cleared his throat and turned us around. "How about let's go to my place instead?

I hummed, playing with one of the buttons on his shirt. "You'd like that, wouldn't you?"

"Very much."

"Then I guess I can make some time." I smiled lazily at him and led the way to LeBlanc.

Hopefully Sojiro had made it home already. 

A/N: request asked for reader to be sassy so uh it escalated qUICKLY

Akira Kurusu x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now