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(A/N: This is a Yan-Sim/Lovesick crossover (tell me which name you prefer in the comments), but you don't have to know anything about the game to read this, okay? Okay. Rad. 


BTW: The "Lovesick Cyberstalking Girl" doesn't have a name, so I'll just give her a random one in this, hope y'all don't mind. AND! You're Info-chan. Have fun, my friends~~ Don't forget to comment, they make my day~~)

A smile crept onto my face, the familiar feeling swirling around in my stomach. It was intoxicating. I loved sinking my teeth into the drama of this school. It sent pleasurable shivers down my spine to know I had so much control over them. I fanned myself dramatically inside the dark room. "Ah~ I feel almost sadistic." I laughed.

My phone buzzed in my pocket. I jumped, distracted from my scheming session. I blinked, irritated at the interruption, and whipped out my phone. My eyes widened, my irritation dissipated like smoke. The alert I had set up on my phone told me to check the fifth security camera. I twirled around in my chair, facing my collection of monitors. I returned my phone to my pocket, my fingers itching to dance over the familiar keys. Fifth security camera.

I found her easily. A giggle climbed up my throat and I let myself laugh. "Poor girl doesn't even try to hide," I shook my head. On one of the many screens in front of me, showed a female student hiding behind a corner to stare at another student. "Typical crush. She seems a bit more committed than the rest, though..." I whispered to myself, my finger reaching up to play with my bottom lip.

My eyes trailed over to the boy she was so entranced with. My smile grew. "Akira Kurusu." I gave a breathy chuckle. Him again. So far he'd already started his own fan club. This was the third girl to crush on him. The first was... I shook my head in disbelief, staring at the girl next to him. Of course it's her. I growled at the thought, the guttural noise sounding almost primal in the echoey room.

I checked my watch. School ended in ten minutes. Just enough time for me to start something. I smirked. My hands worked on their own, grabbing my phone again. On my computer I found the list of phone numbers I kept for times like this. I trailed down the list. "Sakamoto... Takamaki... Aha." Imai Naoko. I typed the number into my phone. Let the games begin~

My thumbs danced above the screen. How should I start...? I shrugged. "A simple "hey" should be fine," I told myself.

Unknown: Hey.

My eyes flickered over to the screen, watching as a puzzled look crossed her face. The girl responded almost immediately, as she was always on her phone. She had a blog if I remembered correctly.

Naoko: Do I know you?

Might as well cut to the chase.

Unknown: I saw you stalking an upperclassman today.

Naoko: Do you have a problem with that?

Unknown: No. I wanted to give you some information about the girl he was with.

Unknown: Her name is Tsunoi Chiaki.

Unknown: She has a crush on him.

Unknown: She believes in the myth about the cherry tree behind the school.

Naoko: The myth that if you confess your love to someone underneath that tree on a Friday, they are guaranteed to accept your confession?

Unknown: Correct.

Akira Kurusu x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now