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(A/N: Can you catch the Death Note reference in here?! It's kinda vague and not obvious I guess, but it's something that's said at the beginning of episode one haha... If you get it you can have.. uh... a virtual hug? ╰(▔∀▔)╯

This one is... well, you a thirsty hoe //slapped

Kidding! Kidding. You're just a stalker, silly goose~)

I frowned, standing up from my seat. The bell had rung not too long ago, signaling the end of class. My hand tightly grasped my phone, my (E/C) eyes raking over the new information. I had overheard Mishima and Akira earlier. I'm not exactly friends or even acquainted with them, so I couldn't barge into their conversation, but...

They were talking about the "Phantom Thieves of Hearts".

I've been here long enough to know about the strange happenings around Japan. The "Calling Cards". The swift change of pace in people. One day they're completely calm and orderly; the next, they're screaming out their wrongdoings, completely distraught. Or, not change of pace, exactly, but a change of heart. This group of "thieves" have piqued my interest. I wanted to know how much information there was out there. Then I heard Mishima say something about a website. From the sound of it, he made it. That's great, but.. why? I knew that Mishima was on the volleyball team, so it wouldn't be too far-fetched to say that he believed the thieves had saved him from Kamoshida's abuse.

But... There's also the fact that Akira and Mishima were not friends before Kamoshida confessed. If anything, Mishima avidly avoided him. So, why the sudden change of heart? Did he believe that Akira was an actual part of the Phantom Thieves?

I never considered myself a detective, or an aspiring one at that, but this was something that changed my routine. Changed the world around me. I couldn't help but be intrigued by this. My life was boring. Day in and day out, the same news on permanent repeat. It was all so ridiculous. But then the first calling card was posted (I had a saved picture of it on my phone), and rumors started going around.

"I think they're real!"

"You're so gullible, of course not. What does "thieves of hearts" even mean? Bunch of BS if you ask me."

"I met the Phantom Thieves, and I have their numbers. I could totally show you... for a price of course!"

"My friend is in the Phantom Thieves!"

"I am a Phantom Thief! Don't believe me? Fine... I'll just change your heart too! Mwahhaha!"

Then the second calling card came. I was surprised to see that the Phantom Thieves were so determined. And that they'd go after someone as powerful and influential as Madarame. I was one of the nonbelievers. As if someone could do that. Though I was confused by Kamoshida's behavior, I still wasn't entirely convinced.

Needless to say, I was shocked to see the great artists' face on the news the next day, crying his heart out. At school, an unflattering picture of his face was drawn on the blackboard. Now, at the end of the day, I decided to take action. I had found the website Mishima was talking about, and apparently the two positions of authority were not the only people who had been through a change of heart. The Phantom Thieves accepted other requests like low-key bullies or other annoyances.

As they say, "Curiosity killed the cat", but I honestly couldn't care less. This was the only exciting thing to happen to me. I wanted to know. Curiosity practically clawed at my insides, making me want to scream. Was Akira really part of the Phantom Thieves? Who else is part of this group? Perhaps Ann and Ryuji, he hangs out with them often, right? I had to know.

Akira Kurusu x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now