My Fair Lady

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(A/N: This is heavily, and I mean heavily, based off of the Book of Circus in Black Butler. Pretty much entirely actually, except for you and Akira. I was really sick when I wrote this so I was coughing and sneezing all over my poor keyboard ;-;. Hope you enjoy.
Haha, there are two Jokers in this, I only realized after writing it. Well, in this Akira isn't Joker, but you get the point lol.
I wrote in third person this time, but this collection will almost always be first person.)

"London bridge is falling down..." A clear, calm voice sang out in the middle of the night, reaching the ears of any passersby. Only one person was visible, though, and the lone soul walked along the cobblestones solemnly, listening attentively to the song being sung. The full moon hung in the sky like a ripe fruit, waiting to be picked. It cast its glow onto the street below, acting as a sort of spotlight on the places it was not shielded from.

"Falling down...

falling down..."

The singer sounded as sad as he was at that moment. Broken and disappointed. Just like him. But also soft and... forgiving? Definitely feminine. Or maybe it was just his mind trying to seek solace in the smallest of things. He shook his head and looked down at his filthy, dirt-covered hands. Mud was caked under his fingernails and traced the lines of his palms. Whoever she was, he thought she could be wandering around the streets, having fun. Maybe selling something. Maybe with some friends. At least she has friends still. He thought bitterly, running his hands over his face. His finger lightly traced the maroon outline of the burn mark. He winced, pulling away, instead burying his hands in his ash-ridden hair. That would wash away, but the feeling of betrayal wouldn't. He screwed his eyes shut, still trying to wrap his head around what happened.

Flashes of bloodcurdling screams and scalding fire ripped through his head. He clenched his fists, tugging at his hair. Eyes of the clearest blue that formerly held the utmost happiness and innocence now held desperation and anger as they glared up at him. Triumphant brown eyes that once held tears and familiarity glittered down at him menacingly. Friends falling to the ground in defeat, their bodies left to be eaten away by the flames. A tear ran down his face, parting the smudged dirt. That face. That face. The face he had once trusted. The one he'd confided in. All of those happy memories sealed away to be replaced with one fateful night. He'd never look at his former friend the same... I doubt I'll ever see him again anyway.

"London bridge is falling down, my fair lady..." He blinked, looking up again. Her words flowed through the air, winding through his ears like soft silk, pillowing his misery in a cloud of relief. It surrounded him in a blanket of comfort and peace, shielding him from the evils of the world. Like his senses were shrouded in numbness. He felt as though he'd never suffer again.

Where was the voice coming from? It seemed to echo through the streets on all sides. She could be just out of reach, she could be far, far away. Or, maybe, she was whispering the lilting tune into his ear, cooing as a mother would.

His feet slowed to a stop, the tip-tapping of his shoes disappearing as he did. The only sound now was the song. It felt like that was all that mattered anymore.

Yes. It is all that matters. She gives acceptance and happiness. What I had before was simple sorrow and defeat. Rejection is all that waits for me without her.

"Build it up with wood and clay,

Wood and clay,

Wood and clay..." 

A blissful smile crept onto his face. His eyelids slowly closed on soft grey irises. His features, once marred with anger, frustration, loneliness... they were all gone. Replaced with pure and utter tranquility.

Akira Kurusu x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now