(Part 2) Soulmates AU

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(A/N: YO bonus question for the readers that are still here (I love you all to death) what do you think dear author-chan looks like?

Anyway onto the story. I didn't know what to do for this but it was requested a lot. I just took a little bit of advice from HeadphoneHumanoid and wrote it from Akira's perspective. For some reason I feel like I'm gonna need a part 3.. this one feels like it doesn't count for some reason -3-)

Akira P.O.V.

My head bumped against the window, jerking me awake. I groaned, my hand running through my unruly locks. A flash of red caught my eye and I squinted at the red string tied to my pinky.

Everyone in the world was destined for someone. They all had a significant other. A soulmate. And these matches were never wrong. Divorce was unheard of. No one was ever lonely.

How could you tell who your soulmate was? A red string would connect your finger to theirs. Once you've both accepted each other completely, the red string disappears. Should any problems come up, the red string appears again and you both find a solution and become partners again. All very nice, no?

My eyes trailed along the string, watching it wind around poles and the legs of other people on the bus. Usually, a soulmate would be close. Too bad mine was so damn hard to find.

I had tried for a while. My friends laughed at me for not finding them already, so I got on it. I followed that damn string around every street sign and under rocks and wherever but I felt like I didn't get any closer. It still twisted away for miles.

When I learned that I was moving away temporarily because of being a good person, I felt my spirits lift a bit. Maybe I'd be closer to my soulmate. Then again, maybe I'd be farther away. I clenched my hand subconsciously. No. I'll have to find them eventually.


Suffice to say, that's not how I pictured my first day at Shujin Academy. Sprinting through a castle, ripping my face off, and seeing my future gym teacher in a thong. I sighed, preparing myself for what I was to face today.

My feet naturally followed the same route as yesterday, tracing the alleys down to the puddle. I paused for a second, staring at the reflection before me. I wasn't extraordinary. I frowned at the thought and twisted a strand of hair around my finger. I glimpsed the red string again, hanging from my finger as limply as ever. I scowled and shoved my hand back in my pocket, kicking through the puddle and continuing the walk to school.

I remember some friends of mine lecturing me. I was conflicted--do I go after my soulmate, or wait to find them?

"Dude, what's taking you so long?"

"Yeah! Found mine ages ago and she's still fine as hell."

I sighed, recalling the conversation. My mind trailed off, finishing it for me.

"Stop bragging."

"Ha, just 'cause you got-"


"Ahem." a deep voice cleared their throat ahead of me. I shook myself from my thoughts and looked up. I cringed, seeing the leader of that castle I was in. "You've been absent from all of your classes. Don't miss mine." he sneered down at me.

I nodded subserviently and watched him stalk into the school, eyeing other students all the while. I pushed myself up the stairs, trailing my hand along the railing.

I felt a hard thud on my back and lurched forward a bit. "Yo!" the rude boy from before laughed, swinging his arm around my shoulders. "Long time, no see!"

Akira Kurusu x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now