Very Confusing Marks

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(A/N: woah another one

Request by Karyion)

This was just not my year.

I rolled over on my bed, staring up at the ceiling blankly. How did everything go to shit so fast?

First, my longtime crush, Kenji, kissed someone else at New Years. Second, it was his soulmate.

Third, it was my best friend Sota.

All of that seemed to jinx the rest of 20XX for me.

The first day of school after New Years? I had to watch Sota and Kenji being all lovey-dovey together while walking through the cafeteria. I got so angry that I got distracted and ended up spilling all of my lunch on myself. Sota had run over to help me but I ran away, refusing his help.

In class, we had to partner up for a project. Sota walked over to me and asked if I wanted to be his partner, but I ignored him. I asked the person in front of me to be my partner after he left, but they said no. Not surprising, but I was frantic to get a partner so I paired up with the guy who literally used to bully Sota. I felt a pang of guilt at the time and looked around the room to see that Sota and Kenji were paired up, smiling and laughing together. I inwardly vomited, forgetting all former guilt.

I stopped waiting for him after school, too. We used to walk along the same road home, but now I sprinted home, eager to avoid him on the way. I didn't want those awkward looks from across the street.

Our friendship had really suffered with my avoiding him and now, because of that, I lost my closest confidant. Not to mention, Sota was the one who connected me to all of my other friends. I wouldn't talk to him, so they wouldn't talk to me. I was completely isolated.

Hell, I even started to cover up my tattoo, the supposed first words my soulmate would say to me. If it wasn't Kenji, then who was it? I rubbed my eyes harshly, making colors blossom on the backs of my eyelids. Did I even care at this point?

Probably not.
I glared down at the word seared into my forearm. "Persona!" What the fuck was that even supposed to mean? Is my soulmate some godforsaken psychology major? Or some weird Carl Jung enthusiast? I groaned, pushing myself up. I was light-headed for a second before heading over to my dresser. Atop it sat a container of concealer. I opened it up, smearing what was left of it on my arm and rubbing it in, hiding the word from my sight.

~ le time skip brought to you by a POV change ~

"Oh, look! I think I found a good one!" an excited voice erupted for the nth time.

Makoto sighed, pocketing her phone. "Ryuji, you say that with every post you read." She pushed herself up from the cold floor, brushing off her school uniform. "Maybe we should call it a day."

Ryuji shook his head wildly, pushing off the railing. "No, I'm for real this time! Look!" he turned his phone around, shoving it in her face. She blinked, surprised, as her eyes adjusted to the proximity of the screen. The others moved forward, huddling around the phone and Makoto, all squinting to read the text.

Makoto cleared her throat awkwardly. "Alright, I suppose I'll read it aloud." she paused, finding the post on the screen again. "'I'm not sure if you guys are..." she paused, "legit, but my friend (Y/N) (L/N) hasn't been herself ever since I got with my boyfriend, Kenji."

Yusuke scoffed, interrupting her. "This is simply another instance of envy. Nothing we can do."

Haru gently slapped his shoulder, quieting him. Yusuke huffed, crossing his arms across his chest.

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