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(A/N: Fluff? Aren't all of these fluff though? Well, except the last one wink wonk ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) )

I walked out of the school building with a sigh of relief. I had managed to avoid the gym teacher yet again. He started chasing me yesterday. I didn't want to be expelled, and had heard of all the nasty stuff he did. I shuddered in revulsion. I turned a corner to take a shortcut through an alley. My body collided with another. I almost fell, except they caught me. I looked up to see the transfer student. I had heard the rumors. That he was dangerous, untrustworthy, hostile, etc. But I didn't believe them. He's actually helped me before. He's helped me carry books, find my lost bra (that was embarrassing, but he didn't tell anyone, which I was grateful for), and other things. He was quite the gentleman. He smiled at me, "I see you're falling for me?"
I blushed. "Haha, sure. Thanks, though. Where are you going?" I asked. He might be the closest thing I have to a friend at this school.
He twirled his hair around his finger and shrugged, "Just going home."
"Likewise. Stay safe." I winked, smiling.
He laughed. "You too. I lo-" his eyes widened in surprise, but he quickly covered up his mistake without me realizing, "I mean, bye."
I nodded, and walked around him, not seeing his conflicted expression.
I returned home and stayed inside for a while. My parents were currently away on a business trip, so I had the house to myself.
Thunder sounded outside, and a smile broke through my bored demeanor. Storms were my favorite weather. I pulled on shoes, not bothering to put on a jacket. I ran outside and relished in the feeling of the rain hitting my skin. I started aimlessly walking around, not having a distinct destination in mind. I stopped and leaned against a wall, sighing in happiness.
"You okay?" a voice called out to me. I opened my eyes to see Akira.
"Definitely," I said with a smile.
I held out my hand and took his. He blushed, and I noticed this time. My smile grew when I saw how nervous he was. I pulled him close and wrapped my arms around his torso, snuggling into his chest. His blush deepened and he awkwardly wrapped his arms around me as well.
I looked up at him, "Akira, do you like the rain?"
"Yeah. It's... calming." he smiled down at me, fighting down an insane blush.
I giggled and leaned up. He was crazy tall, so I balanced on the tips of my toes. I gently pressed my lips to his. His lips were feathery soft, and he tasted like... haha... (F/T).
I pulled back and laughed, "Ah! You should see your face right now!"
His eyes were wide and his entire face was pink. As I laughed, he calmed himself down. Determination sparked in his eyes.
His hand tilted my face up towards his. I stopped laughing, "Uh... sorry Akira. I just-" This time he caught me by surprise and deeply kissed me. Despite being caught off guard, I kissed back, loving the feel of his body against mine.
He deepened the kiss, slipping his tongue into my mouth to explore. I didn't stop him. It was obvious we were both attracted to each other. I sighed into his mouth and shivered.
I pulled away, and he gave a small whine at the loss. I giggled, "Aw, who knew you liked me so much? You're adorable." I placed my hands on the sides of his face, and scrunched his face up. He frowned and rolled his eyes.
I cooed, "Awww~" I pecked his puckered lips and let him go.
"Akira, will you go out with me?" I asked.
He smirked, "Where?"
I playfully slapped his chest. "Y-You know what I meant!"
He snuggled into me and practically purred, "Of course. I love you. You're mine now."
I was a giggling, blushing mess. "I already was, silly."

A/N: Aww, what an oblivious senpai you are~ Or is it kohai? I don't know.
What I DO know is yeah, cliche kiss in the rain. Sue me. Actually, please don't. I'd say fight me, but I don't want that either. Try me seems to have the same connotation as well. :/ Oh well.
But about the cliche, the funny thing is, I didn't even mean to do that. I actually wanted to stray from the cliche of the girl being afraid of thunder, the guy comforts her, etc. (lol OHSHC) But, here we are. Whoops.
Also, did you get my reference
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°). I won't tell you. You'll have to guess. (Hint: It's to a video game NOT PERSONA THOUGH A DIFFERENT ONE it's okay if you don't get it ;-; I'll just stay here)
Hope you enjoyed! Comment~

Akira Kurusu x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now