Darling It's Better, Down Where It's Wetter ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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(A/N: Mermaids. I call them sirens in this cause it's gender neutral but apparently sirens are actually more similar to harpies? I dunno, quick google search told me so but prove me wrong if you really want to. In this sirens are gonna be like le fishies. Yay, glad we got that out of the way,,,,

If you're interested in this kinda stuff, I recommend the Lost Voices trilogy it's good I like it :3 - note: not on wattpad, it's an actual published thing)

The water was colder than usual today. I found my hands on my arms, moving up and down of their own accord. The beach was empty--as it should be this early in the morning. The ocean was calm now, but I had enough experience to know it wouldn't be long until it began to storm.

The others refused to go on morning swims with me--something I was perfectly content with.

My beach didn't stay quiet for long, to my dismay. A group of rowdy teens arrived to disrupt the silence with their loud voices and play. I sank into the water, only the top of my head visible. I hoped they wouldn't see me. Maybe this was why the others refused to join me.

This particular group I had never seen before. I watched them set up a small area on the sand to sit. The boys ran into the water, holding strangely familiar shapes. I was right about the noise they brought with them and winced. I dunked my head under the water and came back up. The girls sat on their towels talking with each other. I could understand what they were saying, but only if I really concentrated. But that made my head hurt.

A loud shout came from my left. My eyes darted over and I turned, still as skittish as ever. I let out a shaky breath when I knew that they hadn't seen me.

One of their shapes was thrown into the air and another caught it. I'd seen people do this before. It had a vague similarity to the games the sirens played. I stifled a snicker recalling Haliae's talent at scaring the sea life.

I stared at them silently, not feeling any inclination to move. The girls eventually joined them--their laughter soft as it rang through the air. I frowned, thinking about my own laugh. Did it sound the same? Or was it different? I tried to think back and hear myself but the sound wouldn't come.

More objects were brought out. Two of the boys laid over them, paddling out to sea with their hands. My frown deepened and I glanced back up at the sky. It was going to storm soon, no doubt. How far out would they  go?

They went out noticeably far from the beach. Where the water was once calm, it was now ruffled, sensing the oncoming storm and readying itself to devour these humans--so small in comparison to the sea.

The blond one stood up on his board, his arms outstretched for balance. He caught a small wave and rode it safely inland, whooping the whole way. My gaze returned to the other boy. An air of foolish confidence surrounded him. The sudden boom of thunder ripped through the sky, rippling the clouds above. The sea responded to the call with more turbulence, toying with the board he sat on.

He slowly pushed himself up and in that moment I somehow knew he wasn't going to make it.

The wave hoisted him up and I watched helplessly as he swayed to stay afloat. My eyes darted between the worried group and him, so desperately far apart. I bit my lip.

A curtain of blue overtook his small form, folding him into the waves. That was what ultimately made my decision. I dove under the water and searched for him. My eyes snagged onto his floating form as bubbles erupted from his lips.

A swift of my tail sent me flying for him. I was battered back by the sea but a body used to its games couldn't be so easily stopped. I felt the cold rush of salt through my gills push me towards his sinking form. Once in my arms, I found that he was both easy to carry and not moving, his eyes closed. Worry furrowed my brow.

Akira Kurusu x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now