Chapter Eight

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Carter, Nash, Cameron, Matt, Taylor and I headed to iHop. I was skimming through twitter during the car ride and I spotted a weird tweet.


"Does Zoë really think that she can get away with kissing and hugging Nash while dating Carter? This girl is not taking all of our sweet boys!! What a slut!!" @its_Zoee

Oh my god.

Tears brimmed my eyes. When we pulled up to iHop I ran straight out of the van and to the bathroom in iHop. I heard Carter and Nash calling for me.

**Carters POV**

We pulled up to iHop and Zoë ran out tears streaming from her eyes straight to the bathroom.

What the hell?

"Zoë!" Nash called for her. "Zo!!" I called. She kept running.

**Zoe's POV**

Why has everyone been calling me a slut lately? The kiss on the cheek and the hug was given to Nash as friends! It was never meant to look like love! I love Carter...

Speaking of Carter I heard him outside the girls bathroom.

"Zoë, come out please! Why are you crying, babe?" He bangs on the door.

"If you don't come out I'm coming in." He says.

I laughed a little.

"Is anyone in there?" he asked. "No" I sniffled.

He opened the door and locked it behind him. "What's wrong baby" He asked. "someone called me a slut for hugging and kissing Nash on the cheek while dating you." I cried into his shoulder.

"Don't listen to them, they don't know you." He said into my ear kissing my neck. "but why would they say that?" I cried harder.

"Jealousy, that's all it is." He said lifting my chin up so I could look him in the eyes. "you have beautiful green eyes." He td me, he leaned in to kiss me and I kissed back. we had a mini make-out session until we realized we were in a girls bathroom.

I got out first to check if the coast was clear and we both rises out of the bathroom to join the boys at the table.

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