Chapter Thirteen

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"So that's how your gonna play the game." I heard Carter say. I pulled away from Nash and I stared at Carter. "Carter, look I-" "Don't you realize this was all a setup! So you could break up with me and get with Nash and Mahogany can end up with me?" He says.

"She was kissing you and you were holding on to her!" I stood up from my spot on my bed. "Nash locked me in the fucking room with her so she could back ally rape me, and I was holding onto her hips, trying to get the slut off of me!" Carter says.

"Oh my go Nash!" I look straight into the blue eyes I used to know. "It was never my idea! Mahogany told me, if I really loved you, I wouldn't let you be with Carter." He protested.

"You still went along with it." I said softly.

"But I love you Zoë" Nash says.

"I love you too, but I love Carter more." I say and start two walk I've to Carter and take his hand. He jerks away.

"You kissed him." Carter says. "Were done." Carter walks out the room. I look to Nash and he shakes his head and leaves also. Oh my god.

(A/N: Okay, this part in the book is really emotional to me, and to make it more emotional for you I would recommend listening to the song "Goodbye" by Avril Lavigne, if your read past this!! )

I put the things that I just unpacked from my suitcase, back into me suitcase. And everything else hasn't been unpacked yet so I'm good to go.

I throw on my thin jacket and leave the room.

I return my key to front desk and agree to myself and take the next flight home to California.

**Carter's POV**

I ended it. I ended us. I don't know why but I felt like it was the right thing to do. I felt bad so I'm just going to go talk to her.

I opened the hotel door and her suitcase, backpack, or jacket was in the room.

Holy shit. Oh wait! She's most likely with Nash.

(A/N: keep listening to Goodbye)

**Zoë's POV**

I'm at the airport and my flight leaves in 10 minutes. Going home seems like the best thing to do now, since I don't seem to have good history with anyone other than, like Brittany. Who left with Curtis Leopore to go to another weird vine tour.

"Flight 561 to California is boarding now." The PA system says. I get up, give the lady my passport she scans it and I get on the plane.

Tears escape my eyes, when memories of Carter and I on the plane on the way to Nashville. How I was so excited to see a real Magcon boy and how crazy it was when he said my name.

Then other memories came in which brought even more tears like when he came into the girls bathroom at iHop to comfort me.

And when we.... You know. Did what we did.

And then when he told me we were done....

That brought the most tears.

Thanks for reading.




- Savannah!

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