Chapter Seventeen

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I got a phone call from Nash to come to the hospital and that it was an emergency. I hopped in the car with Cameron without any questions and we sped to the hospital.

Once we got there we did not know where to go so we have Nash another call. "Hello?" He answered. "What room?" I asked. "311" He said and hung up.

Cameron and I went up to the 3rd floor and when we got up there we were in the birthing section. Why up here?

We found 311 and barged in to see Zoë on the bed, legs spread wide opened and a bunch of doctors around her. What's going on?


They were here, and the look on Carter's face scared me a little. "Nash, what the hell is going on?" Carter asked slowly.

"Zoë is a about to give birth to your baby girl." Nash said quietly. "M-my baby girl?" He stuttered. I nodded in response.


I heard someone barge into the room while the doctors were getting me ready for the birth. I poked my neck up a bit to see the back of a white SnapBack that says Mr_Carterr on it.

He's Here.

5 hours later...


"Are you the dad?" The lady asked me. "I guess." I said still in shock. "Well here is your little girl." The lady handed me the baby and I nearly fainted. "Her name is Paige." I heard Zoë say from the hospital bed.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I asked her. "I was scared." She said. "But you told Nash." I said. "I only told him because he is like my brother." She said. "A brother that you kissed." I mumbled. "Carter..." She said. "Sorry." I said.

"I don't have a middle name for her yet." She said. "You can choose it, I basically already came up with her first name." I laughed. "I say Emily." She says. "Paige Emily Reynolds." I say. "I like it." I said. When she finally opened her eyes, she had sparkling emerald green eyes like Zoë's, but her facial features were all me.

She's beautiful.

"I don't know how we are going to do this." I say kissing Paige's forehead.

The End


The second book called "Realization" Comes out tomorrow!!

It fast forwards to when Paige is 4 years old and stuff so yeah!!

I had so much fun writing this book it was amazing!

We got 300+ reads and 20+ votes!

Thanks so much and I hope you all read "Realization"

Ilysm guys!

- Savannah ❤

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