Chapter Twelve

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**Nash's POV**

"How could he do this to me?" Zoë cried into my jacket. "I have no idea, he probably never really loved you. You just have to find someone who will always be there for you and who actually loves you." I reassured her.

"You really love me right?" She asked sniffling away her remaining tears. "Of course I do. But you don't love me." I told her. "Yes I do." She protested. "Prove it." I challenged her.

She leaned in and kissed me. I was not expecting that. I kissed back and we just stayed in the moment.

**Carter's POV**

"You are a sick bitch! Everyone knows you were the on who sent those nasty tweets about Zoë!" I screamed in Mahogany's face.

"Carter, just face it... I'm the one you want. I love you. You just got with her to get your mind off of me." Mahogany said.

"Bullshit. I have to go talk to her." I said. I stormed out the room and headed for my room. I flew opened the door to reveal Nash and Zoë kissing.

"So this is how your going to play the game." I said.


More Drama!!! Im sorry for the cliffhanger, I'm doing a double update :)

- Savannah ❤

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