Chapter Foruteen

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The next morning I woke up searching for Zoë in the bed. Oh yeah, she's with Nash.

Well I never actually asked him if she was with him. But she most likely is. Im going to go talk to her.

I walked down the hallway to Nash's room and knocked on the door.

Cameron answered. "Sup." Cameron said. "Is Zoë in there?" I asked him. "No, Nash thought she was with you." Cameron said. "Where's Nash?" I started to panic. "Whats the problem here?" Nash asked me as he was pulling on a shirt. "Zoë's stuff isn't in our room and I thought she went with you." I told him. "Then I don't know where she could have gone." Nash said. "Im calling her."

I dialled her cell number on my phone. It went straight to voice mail.

"Check her vine, and YouTube to see if she posted anything." suggested Cameron. "Good idea." I said going to her vine.

I noticed all the vines that we made together on her account were deleted. Oh.

There was one particular vine that caught my eye.

**Zoë's POV**

I made a vine claiming to all, of what is left of my fans. (The rest think I'm a slut) That I will not be attending anymore of the Magcon Meet Ups and that I will be home and focusing on school.

**One Week Later**

**Carter's POV**

It's been a really hard week without Zoë; It's our last stop in Magcon and it's in California. I want to go visit Zoë, but I have no idea where she lives in California.

We were on the plane and Nash tapped me on the shoulder. "You alright man?" He asked. "Yeah, I'm just worried about her." I said. "Me too." Nash sighed.

**Zoë's POV**

It's been the eighth day to early morning vomiting, bad stomach pains and my period being super late. Something's up.

I went to the drug store and picked up a pregnancy test.

I went home, did my business and was star to see what was going on.

Pregnancy Test: (+)

Please, this is not happening. I tried again.

Pregnancy Test: (+)

Oh my god...

The only person who could have gotten me pregnant is Carter. Holy shit.

I was panicking to the max and panicked tears were streaming rapidly out of my eyes. What am I going to do? When am I going to tell Carter? Will I ever tell carter? I needed to vent.

I dialled my best friend Sky's number and she picked up on the 3rd ring.

"Hello?" She sounded groggy and tired. "Sky, I think I'm pregnant." I told her. "What the fuck? How? By who?" She asked. "The father my or may not be Carter Reynolds." I said nervously.

Sky never knew I went to Magcon because she was on vacation in Hawaii, so I never got a chance to tell her.

"Quit shitting me Zo. When on earth would you and Carter Reynolds have sex?" she asked.

"Maybe when I went to Magcon for my vines we started dating, had sex then broke up..." I said quickly.

I heard a loud gasp on the other line.

Was anyone expecting this??


- Savannah

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