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Hannah's POV
I see her. She's sitting in the park bench, bathed in sunlight.
I walk towards her, but it seems as though in slow motion.
She turns towards me, but seems to stare straight through me.
I finally reach her and she changes into a familiar person.
She speaks, but I wasn't in my voice, but her.
"Come join me." She says. "It's lonely and I miss you."
I want to...
She smiles. "Come on, I know you want to.."
"No! Don't!"
I turn and see Caleb. "Don't go!" He pleads.
Her reaches me and grabs me by the arms. "You can't leave me in this world alone." He whispers.
We close our eyes and I wake up, gasping for air.
I try to avoid Caleb at school, but it's impossible.
He always seems to be looking for me, and he always finds me.
I'm at my locker this time when he approaches me. "Hi"
I glare back at him. "Don't try to act like we're friends, because we aren't."
He looks away as mutters, "Don't gotta be rude."
I pretend not to hear him.
He looks up again and his eyes turned serious. "Is what Sarah said in the dream true? Do you want to...." he swallows, clearly uncomfortable. " to.. kill yourself?"
I glance at him. "You saw that?"
He nods.
I look back down. "That's none of your business."
"But it is!" He says, his eyes desperate. "Hannah, I don't want to lose you."
This causes anger to boil inside of me. "Well, maybe you should have thought of that before you killed my best friend. " I slam my locker door shut and walk away.

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