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Caleb's POV
Why did I have to yell at her?
As Hannah scurried into her house, I realized that I scared her.
I look to the side of her house and see Sarah's grave. I walk by it and sit on the ground next to it.
The roses on the grave seemed fresh, and I pulled one of the stems off and stuck it in the ground.
I turn to pick another one up and gasp as a big thorn stabs me in the thumb.
It's bleeding pretty heavily and I don't really like blood, so I knock on Hannah's door and waited.
And waited.
After a lot of rustling and moving, the door opened and Hannah appeared, shrouded in darkness.
"Umm. What?" She asks me, apparently surprised I was here.
I show her my thumb and she lets me in and leaves to get a bandage. I roam around her house, and into her room where I see the real her. Her walls are covered, and I mean covered in drawings. Like it was her passion.
I walk in hesitantly and sit on her bed, and that's when I see it.
The list taped to the wall beside her bed.
I pick it up and can barely see through the tears blurring in my eyes.
"Caleb?" I hear and I make a sort of strangled sound and she comes in and is shocked by me sitting on her bed.
I finally look at her, with tears in my eyes. "What is this?" I ask, waving the paper with my nightmare written on it.
Hannah's POV
That's the only word my mind forms when come in my room and see Caleb sitting on my bed with the sheet of paper that has my ways of suicide in them.
And now he's questioning what it is. Crap. Crap. Crap.
"I-That's not important." I try to sound strong but fail.
He pats the bed next to him and I sit down hesitantly. "Of course it's important, it has different ways you want to kill yourself." He says, surprisingly gently.
He turns to face me and takes my hands in his.
I flinch as sparks fly in my body but he doesn't let go.
His hands are warm and comforting, and my muscles begin to ease.
Damn you and your gorgeous self. I think and mentally slap myself for thinking that.
I hold my breath and wait for the inevitable question.
"Hannah...You don't want to... kill yourself do you?"
I tear up and turn away, unable to look him in the eyes.
But I have no choice except to look him in the eyes because his hands go from my hands to my cheeks and gently turns my head to look at him.
"I need to know, Hannah."
I know you do.
"What am I supposed to say?" I say shyly.
He closes his eyes like he wants to do something. "Just... don't say anything."
He leans closer. "Because I can't bear to hear you say you do."
I stare into his beautiful brown eyes but I'm confused. "Why?"
He smiles almost sadly and takes a deep breath. "Because I love you." He says and presses his lips to mine.
It takes a second for this to register. Caleb...liked me?
I could barely keep that thought alive because Caleb was kissing me like there was no tomorrow.
And I was kissing him back.
His lips were so soft, and I could barely think as he slowly pushed me on my back and continued to make out with me.
He asked for entrance, and I denied, so he moaned against my lips and asked again, this time successfully.
His left hand traced my ribs and his other hand was strangely tracing my forearms, over my scars.
My hands roamed his back and hair, sometimes tugging it a little, causing him to groan against my lips.
His tongue explored my mouth and when I opened my eyes to look into his, then I realized my mistake.
Sarah was standing next to the bed watching us.
Sarah was watching as Caleb traced my scars and kissed me passionately.
I cried out and pushed Caleb away, and Sarah vanished.
Caleb rose and tried to comfort me, but I could barely hear him.
I almost slept with the person who killed my best friend.
The person who dated my best friend.
This was an all-time low for me.

That was probably the grossest scene I have ever written.
Okay enjoy perverts 😉

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