Our Last Innocent Kiss

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Hannah's POV
"Get away from me, Dylan."
He shoves his waist against mine, ignoring my pleas for him to stop. "You don't talk to me like that. We had a deal."
He starts beating me, punching me in the head and stomach, breaking my ribs, breaking me...

I gasp awake and immediately start crying.
"Babe what's wrong?" Crap. Caleb.
"I-I had a nightmare." I stutter.
He hugs me. "Do you want to talk about it?"
I shake my head, terrified of the night to come and I wanted to stay in his arms forever.
He was so warm, and it felt...safe.
But, I had to go face my world. The world I chose.
But, before I go...
I kiss Caleb like it was our last kiss.
Which I suppose it was. Our last innocent kiss.
He smiles. "What was that for?"
I smile back. "I just love you."
"I love you too." He says.
We go to school as usual and people stare at me...as usual. Caleb usually stays away from me at school, and I felt lonely.
Just lonely.
I went to class as usual, and wave to Caleb in the halls when no one was looking.
During lunch, he took my hand and we hid in an empty classroom and had lunch together. Afterwords, he kissed me and we told each other we loved each other, and he left.
Last classes of the days, and I'm getting nervous.
I come into Art which was my last class, and found two pieces of paper on my desk.
Not again.
I pick up the first one and see Caleb's handwriting.
Hey babe, I miss you, I just want to let you know I love you. Again.
I smile a little and pick up the second one.
I'm picking you up at the front gate.
Be ready
Oh shit.

It's coming soon

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