Scar You For Life

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Tuesday Night
Hannah's POV
I want to tell him to stop.
But I can't.
I'm just thankful that he hasn't tried to take our clothes off.
For now, he's just beating the shit out of me.
I cry out in pain as he kicks me in the ribs, causing me to fall back against his bed.
Bad move, because now he's on top of me, punching me in the face.
When he stops, I rise, and as a small action of revolution, spit blood on his carpet floor.
His eyes darken. "You're going to regret that." He snarls.
I shake the blood out of my eyes. "Believe me, I already do."
I weakly reply and back up against the wall.

Wednesday Morning
Caleb's POV
I walk up to Hannah's house, ready to walk with her as usual.
Before I'm about to knock, the door opens, revealing my cut up and bruised girlfriend.
I take a step back.
She glances at me and gives me a small smile. "Hey Caleb." She says as if this was a normal day.
"Hannah..." I say softly.
She moves to walk away, but I grab her arm and caress her face.
Hannah winces slightly as my finger glides over a bruise, and I immediately fear that I hurt her.
"Are you okay? What happened? Who did this?" I babble to her.
"It's fine Caleb." She replies.
"Was it the same person who gave you that hand-shaped bruise?" I ask.
She hesitates slightly but eventually nods.
"Who are they?" I ask, slightly angry.
"Nobody Caleb." I close my eyes in frustration.
"Of course it's somebody Hannah. I can't stand by while my girlfriend is getting hurt somewhere."
She moves her arm from my grasp and starts off towards school. Leaving me with my unanswered questions.
Hannah doesn't talk to me the whole day.
Or the whole week.
I feel us grow more distant.
She doesn't make eye contact with me, and for the first time since I met her, I couldn't find her anywhere.
Dylan seemed to be in a better mood every week, smiling and putting more people down.
"Hey Tony!" He yells at a innocent looking boy during lunch. "You're hair looks like a bird laid her eggs in it." He laughs.
I grab him, noticing Hannah looking at me from the other side of the cafeteria.
"Dude not cool."
He laughs in my face. "Oh please. You used to do the same thing."
I glare in his face. "At least I had the dignity to stop."
He stops laughing. "Ever since you started hanging out with Emo over there, you've been strange." He says.
"Yeah. She changed me. For the better." I say and shove past him.
At the end of the day, I watched Hannah climb into a strange black truck.
I wonder where she's going. And who with.
Is she cheating in me? I think painfully.
I climb into my car and take off after them.
I watch them wind through different roads, until they reach a familiar looking house.
No way. This is Dylan's house.
I watch as Hannah gets out of the car and waits nervously for Dylan by the front door.
What I see next makes me the angriest I've ever been.
Dylan grabs Hannah by the hair and pulls her in the house.
They're inside and after a little bit, I quietly follow them.
What I find inside, was nothing compared to what I saw earlier.
Hannah's POV
I am dragged in the house by the hair, but I don't complain. It's normal.
"Alright slut." Dylan spits at me. "You spat on my carpet. You need to be punished."
My eyes widen. What is he going to do?
Dylan shoves me on the bed and takes off his shirt.
Not again...
"P-Please d-don't." I stutter out.
He smiles cruelly and shoves his arm against my throat so I can't speak.
"I'm going to scar you for life." He whispers against my ear.
I shiver and shut my eyes.
They fly open as Dylan slaps me. "Keep your eyes open." He growls.
It slowly dawns on me. Dylan is going to rape me.
He forces himself on me and takes my shirt off.
I push my fists against him, my tears flowing down my face.
He ties my hands to the headboard, leaving me helpless.
I watch as he takes his pants off and fight tears.
It happened so fast.
He flips me over and takes my pants off.
"Please..." I whisper one more time.
He stares into my eyes and I look away as he pushes into me.
I lay on the ground.
He's yelling but I can't hear him.
My body aches.
Bruises will form from where he groped and hit me.
"WHO TOOK YOU!?" I finally hear him yelling.
I slowly start to laugh.
"That's none of your concern." I say and rise on wobbly legs, my brown hair tangled and hanging lifelessly on the side of my face.
That's the last thing I remember doing.
Caleb's POV
I peek around the corner and immediately flinch when I see Hannah laying on the ground, naked.
She seems to be knocked out.
Dylan is yelling.
"WHO TOOK YOU!?" He yells over and over again.
She slowly opens her eyes and starts laughing slightly.
"That's none of your concern." She says and stands.
Dylan looks furious.
So furious that before I could stop him, he punches Hannah full strength in the face.
I run and put him in a chokehold. "What did you do?!" I yell.
He laughs, despite the fact my arm is cutting off his oxygen.
"" He spits.
I release him, and punch him in the gut. "SAY IT AGAIN!" I roar. "SAY IT."
Dylan spits blood and puts his hands up in surrender.
I gently lift Hannah up and run.
And run.
I reach the hospital. "Please! Somebody help! My girlfriend!" I yell to nobody in particular.
Hannah's nose is pouring blood.
Her face starts to pale.
"C'mon babe. Stay with me. Please." I beg her.
My vision goes blurry.
I barely see the doctors take her from me.
"No! Bring her back!" I yell.
"Restrain him." I hear a quiet voice and feel someone gripping my arms. "Let me go!"
I sag against the person, crying.
I feel them hugging me.
"It'll be okay, Caleb." They say soothingly.
I fall into darkness.

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