Just A Bruise

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Hannah's POV
Wednesday Morning

"What the fuck is that?"
I look away. "It's nothing, Caleb."
"Nothing? Nothing?!" He roars.
I shrink away. "It's just a bruise." I mumble.
I flinch.
He sees my reaction and his eyes soften.
"I fell down the stairs."
"Yeah, like you can get a hand shaped bruise on your face from falling down the stairs." He says bitterly. "Hannah, who gave that to you?"
I stiffen slightly. "Nobody of your concern." I say.
He closes his eyes. "Of course it's my concern!" He sighs. "You're my girlfriend and I hate to see you get hurt."
My heart melts at his words.
"So who gave you the fucking bruise?"
I winced, remebering Dylan's hand coming in contact with my face.
"I can't tell you." I whisper.
This sets him off. "Of course you can! Just blurt it out!"
"It's not that easy!" I yell back, rising from my chair. "What if that person made a death threat to me if I told you? What if I'm too scared? What if I don't want to tell you!" I yell and run from the restaurant, ignoring his pleas from behind.
I run to the park, sobbing and sit down on Sarah and I's bench.
My phone vibrates and I ignore it.
The golden brown leaves fall from the tree as I watch them.
I wish I could be that free, fluttering in the wind and just letting the wind take me wherever it wants me to go.
As I'm walking back home, my phone vibrates again, and I ignore it again.
I stare at the person on the other side of the mirror.
I blink and I see a person standing behind me. "What do you want, Caleb?" I say.
He sighs, running a hand through his hair. "Look, I'm sorry. If you don't want to tell me, you don't have to."
I turn around. "Really? You're letting me off that easy?"
He nods.
I jump into his arms and hug him. "Thank you Babe."
The next week goes by too quickly. My free week.
Caleb doesn't say anything about my bruise which I'm thankful for.
But Tuesday came way too fast.

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