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Caleb walks though the street to his house, memories spinning through his mind.
Hannah and Caleb playfully pushing each other across the street.
Caleb saving his little sister with a heart breaking sacrifice.
"Caleb?" Molly peeks out from the front door.
"What're you doing here?" Caleb picks her up. "You're supposed to be with Mom and Dad."
At their separate house. He thinks bitterly.
Molly looks at me with wide eyes. "Mommy and Daddy dropped me off with this note," she hands me a piece of paper. "I can't read it."
Dear Caleb,
Molly has become too much of a burden on us.
We have sent her to you in hopes that she can have a better life.
-Kate and John
It's not even Mom and Dad. Caleb thinks.
"You're staying here with me." Caleb says.
Molly smiles. "Okay!"
They walk in the house. "Cay?"
"Where's that pretty girl?"
Caleb's heart stops, fresh waves of pain rushing into his body.
Molly shrugs. "I don't know. She had dark brown hair."
"That was Hannah," he says gently, mostly for himself. "She died."
Molly pales. "Oh. I'm sorry, Cay."
Caleb nods. "It's okay."
They hug.
Looking over her shoulder, Caleb looks out the window.
Outside, he see two girls walking hand in hand, one who was a victim and one who was his soulmate, walking towards the setting sun.

It's over!
Sorry for the tragic ending. This book has been a journey.

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