1. Perfect

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Hello there, 

this is my first story on Wattpad. I hope you'll like it. Please tell me what you think.
English is not my first language so the wording might be awkward sometimes, I hope you don't mind too much. Do tell me if I make mistakes, please. 


Louis was sitting on the sofa watching the telly. The program wasn't too interesting, but he was waiting for Harry to arrive. Harry was Louis' boyfriend. He still found it weird to think of anyone being his boyfriend and it was even weirder for it to be this perfect young man called Harry Styles. They had met in a bar the other night and Louis had instantly fallen in love with Harry's perfect face that was framed by his luscious hair. What he liked most was the perfect smile that was supported by those cute dimples and the shining green  eyes. Louis couldn't believe his luck that this perfect man seemed to be interested in him, but a few hours later he found himself at Harry's loft in west London. That had probably been the best night of his life. At least up to that point. Every night spent with Harry since then had been just as good. And Louis missed the man every minute of the day they were apart. 
Harry had one flaw, though. Well, flaw wasn't really the right word, but Louis was in lack of a better one. Harry was a dentist and Louis hated that. He had a terrible phobia of going to the dentist and hadn't been in years. He just couldn't bring himself to do it. He had even tried to call a local office countless times, but then hung up as soon as he had heard anyone answering. He hadn't told Harry and was hoping to put that conversation off forever. 

Louis heard a knock, jumped up and ran to the door opening it excitedly. "Hey." He said with a wide grin. He pulled Harry closer, put his hands around Harry's neck and they kissed. Louis couldn't describe what he felt when kissing Harry, he had never felt this way kissing any girl or boy before. He had tried describing it to his best mate Liam, but he couldn't find words great enough to explain. 
They kissed for what felt endless and at the same time way too short before they hesitantly parted.
"How was your day?" Harry asked tiredly as they walked to the kitchen where Harry got them a beer from the fridge. 
"Too long." Louis said simply. Harry smile and Louis stomach turned in excitement. "How about yours?" He asked. 
Harry shrugged. "I missed you." He replied. 


Okay, so tell me, do you want to read this? 
The chapters will get longer eventually, I just wanted to get this up already :) 

Edited: 11th of August 2017

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