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Louis' POV

Louis and Harry were sitting in the kitchen having breakfast. 
"You should have an apple or something, too. What you're eating there has no nutritional value at all." Harry said, looking down at Louis' bowl of cocoa puffs. 
"Gimme a break, I ate sprouts yesterday without arguing."
Harry grinned. "Oh come on. Half of one?"
Louis rolled his eyes but decided not to argue. "Can I ask you something?" He asked blushing as he bit into the apple.
Harry smiled softly. "You technically just did, but sure." 
Louis chuckled nervously. "Uhm, well... Did you know that teeth weren't supposed to hurt when you eat something sugary?"
Harry looked at him and smiled even wider. "It stopped doing that, huh?"
"Yeah, I can even bite into chocolate now and enjoy it." Louis admitted. 

Harry laughed. Not in a bad or judging way, not at all, just in a genially happy way. "I'm glad it did. To be fair, though, it can be normal. I can't bite  into a gummy bear without cringing." 

"Well you have a cavity, though." 
Harry shook his head, but he was smirking. "I hate you."
"Nah, not true."

Harry's POV

"You're not canceling again, Hazza." Louis said playing with Harry's hair, likely to calm him down a bit. Harry had been pacing up and down the corridor for a while
"I don't have time, though." Harry tried to argue. "I have an important meeting."
Louis rolled his eyes. "We both know that's not true, babe. Just an hour ago you asked if we could cancel on James to catch up on 'love island'." He said with a wink before moving closer to Harry, standing on his tippy toes to lean in for a smooth kiss. "You need to get this over with before it gets worse. I don't like seeing you in pain."

Harry knew his boyfriend was right. He was starting to feel the tooth sometimes, obviously knowing that that wasn't a good sign. He knew that it would be easiest if he got that filling soon, he knew all of that. "I don't wanna do this." He whined, finally admitting to it out loud. 
Louis smiled. "I know, love. But it's not gonna fix itself, is it?"
"Probably no." Harry agreed. He did feel a bit embarrassed about the whole thing, too. He really shouldn't have gotten that cavity. 
"I'm gonna be there to hold your hand the entire time, okay?"
Harry gulped, but nodded slowly. "I'm so lucky to have you." He whispered. He knew that Louis wanted to be anywhere but the dentist's, this would take a  lot of courage for him, too. "Thank you."
Louis shook his head. "There is no reason to thank me. I'm your boyfriend, I need to be there for you. It's my job."
"I don't like needles."
"I know. But believe me, not being numb is much worse."
"I can only imagine."
"I can tell you for a fact." Louis said looking down. "Believe me, you don't want to feel the drilling part. The needle will only pinch you a tiny bit an then it's done."
Harry nodded. Rationally Louis was right and obviously from what Louis and his patients had told him, he really didn't like the idea of not being numbed, but the idea of getting poked by  a sharp, long object still terrified him. 
"Let's get into the car, Haz. You canceled on James twice already. This is getting a bit ridiculous. It's Saturday and he's gotten up just for you." 

Harry knew he in addition to James waiting to drill a hole into Harry's tooth, Harry had also asked another friend, Nick, to come in today whom had kindly agreed to do so. Nick was going to do the ortho consult on Louis, whom didn't know about his dire need for braces yet. He's find out soon enough, though. Something Harry was far from excited for. 
He sighed as he sat down in the car. 
"In an hour we'll be back home and you can watch TV and sulk as much as you like. Right now I need you to be brave, okay?"
"I'm not brave, I can't even watch a horror film without crying."
"If you cry I'll kiss off the tears." Louis said dramatically before he laughed a little. "But you're not gonna cry. It's gonna be a piece of cake I'm sure."

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