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Wow, I hit over 1,000 reads. That's really cool, guys. Thank you so much! Again, I edited the previous chapter a bit. I should stop posting them as soon as I'm done. I hope you don't mind too much. Also I'm almost half way through the next chapter, that should be ready, soon.

Louis' POV

The next day Harry didn't mention the whole dentist thing and Louis was grateful for it. He had handed Louis a Vicodin when ever he was allowed to take on, but other then that it hadn't come up once. They were sitting in the kitchen now, having their supper. The considerate man he was it was soft food so Louis had no trouble eating it. 
"I want you to come to the office tomorrow." Harry said after  a long pause. 
Louis looked at him wide eyed. A lump in his throat had formed and, silenced by that, he just shook his head. 
Harry took his hand. "Louis, please. Listen to me, okay?"
Louis nodded. He knew where this was going and he wasn't going to agree on it for sure, but he couldn't deny Harry anything. 
"Thank you." Harry said appreciatively. 
If Louis felt like talking he would have made a sassy comment at that, but as he felt like he was going to be sick if he opened his mouth, he didn't. 
"I got some medicine to calm you down." Harry explained and when he saw Louis' shocked face he shook his head and smiled. "Not the kind that knocks you out completely. It's just going to take the edge off. But I really don't want to have to sedate you for this, love." 
'Well that wouldn't happen even if you did want it.' Louis thought. 
"I want to make this as easy as possible. And I know it won't be easy, but you can't live like this forever. 
"Does it work?" Louis asked. 
"The anxiety stuff?" Harry asked and when Louis nodded he smiled. "It works pretty well. You could still stop me if you needed a break or whatever, but it will help you stay calm." 
"Because I'm so calm at the moment." Louis said, and as if it tried to prove a point he could feel his heart beating out of his chest and his hands trembling.
Harry chuckled. "You're fine." He said, looking at Louis with his fucking green angle eyes. 
"Why do you have to be so pretty?" Louis asked, annoyed that he'd agree. He obviously didn't want to do this and he was terrified of what that stuff would do to him, but at the same time he trusted Harry and he kind of wanted to get rid of the pain in his face. Rationally he knew that a root canal shouldn't hurt, so if the fear was gone it shouldn't be bad, right?
"Is that a yes?" Harry asked excitedly. 
"It's a 'I'll try.'" 
"That's all I need from you." Harry said. "Are you done with your food?" 
"I don't feel good, I can't eat anymore." Louis said, pushing the plate away from him. 
Harry nodded and started cleaning up. There was a long pause before Harry spoke up again. "Are you ever going to tell me what happened?" 
"Honestly? I don't know." Louis said. He looked at Harry's sad face and sighed. "Not yet, okay? Maybe one day." 
Harry looked a tad more happy now. "I just want to help."
"I know. That's the problem." Louis said. 

Louis couldn't sleep. He was trying, but every time he closed his eyes he felt like he was going to throw up. He moved around restlessly and Harry asked what he could do for him a couple of times. Louis told him that he was okay. He didn't want to keep Harry up. After a good three hours of trying he decided that it wouldn't happen tonight and he got up to make himself a cuppa. He sat down on the sofa and opened his laptop to watch some stupid show to distract himself. Half way into the first episode of some show he didn't care about he dozed off. 
"Open your fucking mouth. Don't be such a brat." The dentist said loudly. 
"I hate when they are like that. What do they think? You're not our only patient." The assistant said annoyed. 
Louis shook his head when his mouth was opened. 
The assistant rolled her eyes at his tears. "Who do you think you are?" 
"He's just trying to cause a scene." 
"They always do. Get started, I want him out of here." 
The drill touched his tooth and the pain was excruciating within a  few seconds. Louis opened his eyes and looked into a pair of green eyes. 
"Don't cry, Love. This will only take a few hours." Harry said. 
Louis woke up covered in cold sweat. He couldn't do this.

Harry had made them breakfast. Porridge. Ugh... At least it was soft. Louis was sitting in front of that pill Harry had given him with his breakfast. He had already taken the pain medication, but he was scared to take that weird 'I-don't-care-what-happens-to-me'-pill. What if it made him agree to get his tooth fixed? What if it hurt and he couldn't tell Harry? What if he behaved weirdly and Harry didn't believe him that he was in pain? What if Harry was to hold him down? He felt a bit stupid thinking of Harry that way, but he couldn't help it. Dentists were never a nice thing. They were there to scold you and to cause pain. 
"Just take it, love. It will help calm those nerves. You'll feel at ease." Harry explained. 
Louis wanted to throw up. All he wanted to do is lay in bed and sulk over the pain and never get up again. He didn't care if he lost a tooth. "I don't want to take that fucking pill, Harry. I don't want you to fix my teeth."
"You can't live off painkillers forever." Harry reasoned. 
"I'm sure I could."
"Don't be stupid. You know I wouldn't hurt you, Louis. It will make you feel better." 
"You mean it will make life easier for you!" Louis said loudly. 
Harry's face changed into a hurt expression. "You know this is not about making it easier for me, right?" He said trying to take Louis hand, but he retracted it. 
"I don't know anything. All I know is that I've never been to the dentist and not been hurt or humiliated." Louis said in tears. 
Harry's expression changed into a soft smile. "That's horrible, Louis. But I swear it doesn't have to be like that. I can assure you I have ways to make this as pain free as possible."
"Pain free as possible? How very comforting." 
"I'm not going to promise that it will completely painless because that would be a lie, but it's not going to be more than a pinch. As soon as you show any sign of discomfort I'll stop, okay?"
Louis hid his face in his hands. "I'm scared, Harry." He whispered. 
"I know. And that's okay. I know this is hard. But you're brave, Louis. You're so strong. And I'll be there for you." 
Louis gulped. "I feel sick."
"Do you need to throw up?" 
Louis shook his head. 'Not yet, anyways.' He picked up the small pill and washed it down with some orange juice. 
"I'm proud of you." 
Louis rolled his eyes. "For what exactly, now?"
"For trying. For doing your best." Harry said and Louis felt his lips being  pressed onto Harry's eagerly. "I love you so much."

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