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Louis' POV

Harry turned around, his face unreadable. "Louis, I need you to answer a few questions. Are you okay with that?" 
"I guess..." Louis said, nervously chewing on his nails. 
"Can you tell me what triggers the pain, love? Does temperature change make it worse?" 
Louis started to feel sick again. "I don't know. Not really, only hot stuff makes it worse, I think. Cold sort of helps?" He said, not sure if this was useful.
Harry sighed. "Okay, yeah, what I thought..." He turned his monitor so Louis could look at it. "Look... Can you see this tooth?"  Louis nodded. "You see the dark area, right?" Harry circled a large porting of the tooth.
Louis gulped. This wasn't good, was it? 
"There is decay right down to the pulp, which means-" Harry was cut off by Louis standing up. 
"No way, Harry." Louis shook his head as he backed away from Harry. "No fucking way. I'm not going to get a bloody root canal."
"Lou..." Harry said pleadingly. "This is the only way-"
Louis was having non of it. A filling was bad enough, but he wasn't going to get a root canal again. That last time had been enough to last him a lifetime. "No, Harry. I'm leaving. I don't care if I have to live with this pain forever, I'm not gonna get a root canal." He turned around, shook his head. "Not gonna happen."
Harry got up to pull Louis close to him but Louis saw right through that attempt, moved to the door and ran out. He ran out to the parking lot where he crouched down to let the tears, that had just dried off, fall again. This couldn't be happening... Not this again. 

Harry's POV

There he goes. Harry walked outside slowly, giving Louis some well deserved time to process this. Louis had done pretty well, considering the level of anxiety he seemed to experience, but apparently this was the last straw. He waited a few minutes before walking up to Louis, whom was in tears once again. 
"Lou, you're okay. Everything will be fine." 
Louis looked at Harry angrily. "Nothing's okay. Harry, this is exactly why I don't do dentists." 
"You do me." Harry said with a smirk. 
Louis rolled his eyes. "You're not funny." He said, but the tears had stopped. 
"We both know that's not true. You want me to crack one of my jokes?" 
"Hell no." Louis said. Harry spotted a small smile. He put his fingers on Louis' cheek to lift his lips into a smile. 
"There is my Louis." Harry said before kissing Louis.
"That's gross, Harry. I just threw up." Louis said awkwardly. 
Harry shrugged and lifted them up from the floor. "Wanna go home?" 
Louis looked at him wide eyed. 
"This doesn't have to happen today, Lou. I know what's going on now and I'll be able to give you something to relief the pain. We aren't gonna rush things." 
Louis paused to look at Harry with his piercingly blue eyes. Wasn't he gorgeous? "I love you." 
Harry smiled. "I love you, too."

"Lou?"" Harry asked as they cuddled into each other on the comfortable couch in the living room of Harry's. 
Harry had a guilty look on his face. "Do you want to talk about what happened when you got that root canal?" 
All colour vanished from Louis' face. "I'd rather not." He said simply, not looking at Harry. 
"Were you in pain?" Harry asked, pulling Louis head into his lap, running his fingers through Louis' hair. 
"Why asked if I want to talk about it if you make me anyway?" Louis asked biting his bottom lip. 
"I want to help you, Louis. I want you to get over this fear." 
Louis rolled his eyes. "Not answering my question... Okay. Can I have another one of those pills if I talk?" He asked sheepishly. 
"It's wearing off already?" Harry asked in concern. The Vicodin should last much longer. 
"Kind of... Is that bad?" Louis asked, looking at Harry, his blue eyes wide open. 
"It's not good, love. It means we'll have to take care of this soon. You can have some more in an hour, okay?" Harry offered. 
Louis sighed. "Alright." 
"So you were in pain during that root canal?" 
"That too." Louis said in barely more than a whisper. 
"What do you mean? What else happened?" Harry asked. This was getting increasingly worrying. 

Louis' POV

"That too." Louis said quietly. He really didn't want to talk about it. This would make everything worse. Those dreams would come back. 
"What do you mean? What else happened?" Harry asked. He sounded so worried. Louis hated this. He didn't want to hurt Harry and he knew that he'd do that if he told him what happened. 

"Open!" The dentist instructed. 
"Just a minute, please." Louis asked pleadingly. 
"You're waisting my time. Open up your mouth so I can fix that nasty tooth for you."
Louis shook his head. He could feel the panic rising in his chest and he needed to calm down. 
"Aren't you a little old for this kind of fight?" The assistant asked, tapping the tray with some kind of tool in her hand. The clicking sound made Louis gulp. "Open your mouth and let's get this over with. If you insist on not taking care of your teeth you'll have to live with the consequences. You're way too young to need this kind of treatment." She spat out. 
Louis was crying now. "Please." He sobbed. "Let me go, please." He said, trying to get out of the chair. He was breathing heavily. 
"I don't have time for this." The dentist said, shaking his head at Louis. "You open now, or I'll have to do it for you." 
Louis was still crying. He was terrified, but he opened his mouth. 
"That wasn't that hard, was it?" The dentist asked nastily. "Drill, please." He said to his assistant, whom handed him the hand piece. Louis could feel the heavy hand resting on his chin, while the high pitched noise entered his mouth. The instant the drill touched his tooth Louis felt a sharp pain in his tooth, it went away, but then it came back, now going through his entire skull. He raised his hand and tried to scream, but all that came out was a gargle with all the hands in his mouth. 
"Hold still. This can't be hurting you, I've only just started." 
Louis was now moving his head, while trying to push the dentist away from his face. 
"Hold still for fuck sake or I'll really have to hurt you. El, hold his head." The dentist shouted. 
Louis felt the small, but very firm hands on his face, pushing him firmly into the chair. 

"Lou?" Someone asked. "Are you okay?" It was Harry. 
Louis shook his head as he sobbed into Harry's shirt. 

This was kind of intense... You want me to continue the flashback? 

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